Page 16 - jul2021
P. 16

July 2021                                                                           July 2021

                                                                                            Hole in the Wall
               LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                                     Since leaving school, I went to work,   That's how it is with a counter,
                                                                                            For me, that was the way.           You can look someone straight in the
          Michael Tomlinson MP                                                             I did a job, which paid a wage,     face,
          holds regular surgeries                                                           At the end of a working day.        If you're a name, not a number,
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216                                        The money went into my bank         You are treated with respect,
          details of forthcoming                             account,                            It’s easy to iron out the issues,
         surgeries or to make an                                                            Where in time, it could accrue.     When you deal with a person direct.
           appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP                                       I paid it over the counter,
            contact his office.                                                                                                 Enough is enough is enough is enough.
                                                                                            Just like I was told to do.
                                                                                                                                I blame those at the top.
                                                                                            Where there was a bank in the high   Whatever the cost, it will be cut.
                                                                                            street.                             They don't seem to know when to stop.
                                                                                            Now, there is no bank at all.       That bonus comes from somewhere.
                                                                                            They have taken the bank from the   It does not grow on a tree.
                                                                                            high street,                        No, it comes from the hole in the high
                                                                                            And left a hole in the wall.        street.
                                                                                                                                The one where my branch used to be.
                                                                                            When they did what they do with my
                                                                                            I believed it was in a safe place.      Paul J Openshaw (September 2020)

                                                                                            Titanic                                The passengers felt secure,
                                                                                                                                   In the knowledge that all was fine,
                                                                                            They said she was indestructible.
                                                                                                                                   As they pulled out of
                                                                                            She’d cut through an iceberg with ease,   Southampton,
                                                                                            As she started on her voyage,          On the Queen of the White Star
                                                                                            Across tempestuous seas.

            Temporarily Suspended

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