Page 18 - jul2021
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July 2021                                                                           July 2021
       developers or landowners don’t have to give us their reasons – just their money! So
       if anyone sees a strip being laid down feel free to contact me and if it is Dorset
       Council  I  will  find  out  what  it  is  for  and  if  it  is  someone  else  we  can  all  help  to
       defray our Council Tax by ensuring they have a paid up license and that it will be
       installed correctly and safely! I learn something new every month.

       Dorset Local Plan Review
       The  consultation  of  the  Dorset  Council  Local  Plan  has  been  scrutinised  by  a
       working group of elected councillors that is making sure that the project keeps to
       its objectives
       The executive advisory panel (EAP) looking into this is a working group of elected
       councillors, supported by officers that were tasked by Dorset Council’s Cabinet to
       focus  on  areas  of  work  to  make  sure  that  it  is  carried  out  according  to  the
       council’s  priorities.  Any  recommendations  that  the  group  makes  have  to  be
       agreed by the council’s Cabinet.
       The first consultation for the Dorset Council Local Plan took place earlier this year
       and  received over 60,000 comments via the  web form,  posted  paper  copies or
       via email, around 7,000 individuals responded. There was a good cross section of
       residents from all age groups, from 11 years old to 85 years old. All the comments
       are being considered within the framework set by National Planning Policy which
       informs  all  planning  decisions.  We  aim  to  publish  the  comments  on  the
       consultation in July. A reminder of the current nine stage timetable.
       Stages  1  to  3,  prepare  a  consultation  plan  from  previous  work  and  gathered
       Consultation  January  2021  –  Complete.  Stage  4,  review  the  consultation
       responses, gather the necessary evidence and review the local plan March 2021
       to January 2022 – underway. Stages 5 and 6 prepare the submission version of the
       plan and supporting material and submit to the Secretary of State for examination                              Did you Know?
       in  public  May  to October 2022.  Stages  7  and 8  public  examination  by  planning
       inspector  2022/2023.  Stage  9,  plan  is  adopted  and  used  as  part  of  the      You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if
       development plan 2023                                                                                       you live within the parishes.

                                                                                               We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
       Dorchester Road Wool - Roadworks                                                      delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less that you
       Between 20th July and 9th August 2021, Dorchester Road in Wool is scheduled for          would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be
       surface dressing. This will form a rolling programme that is weather dependent and                        included on one of these rounds.
       may change if a major roads issue occurs elsewhere. For safety reasons, work will
       be  carried  out  under  a  temporary  speed  restriction  of  10mph  and  convoy            Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
       working.  During  the  work  periods  there  will  be  no  on  street  parking  available.    or  01929 471780
       Parking  restrictions  will  be  imposed  to  prevent  waiting  or  parking  on  the  road.
       Working  times  will  be  between  the  hours  of  7am  and  5pm,  works  will  not  take

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