Page 19 - jul2021
P. 19

July 2021                              July 2021

 We were to complete 880 yards or two circuits by first swimming 110 yards to a   place at night or over the weekend. Where we know of school transport, we will
 buoy further up the lido, then turning and swimming past the start/finish line to a   ensure  this  is  able  to  pass  through  the  site  or  alter  working  hours  accordingly.
 buoy 110 yards in the other direction.  It was all supremely chaotic as there did   Businesses and local farms affected by the works will also be notified two weeks
 not  appear  to  be  a  recognised  one  way  system.    After  several  collisions,  I   before work starts.
 decided I need to get my head up more often to sight any oncoming swimmers.
 However, it was all so very English with “Oh, I am so sorry” frequenting the many
 clashes.    Purbeck Transport Strategy
 I never did find out where I came in the race but to me it did not matter as I was   There is a review of the strategy being undertaken. I show below one minor part
 there in the company of like-minded swimmers having the pleasure of just taking   of  it  relating  to  cycleway  and  pedestrian  schemes  that  are  being  actively
 part.    progressed via developer funding or other local input:
  Of course the club’s most famous race is the 100 yard handicap Christmas Day   Wool – East Burton Road footway and traffic management.
 swim competed for every year since 1864.  In 1903 Sir James Barrie donated the
 first Peter Pan Cup, the same year that his play Peter Pan made its’ debut on the   Lytchett Matravers  - Huntick Road Cycleway and related activity.
 London stage.   Norden P&R to Corfe Castle cycleway/pedestrian link (with Perenco funding).
 The race over and the last swimmer in, it was time for a cup of tea kindly provided   Norden to Studland cycleway (with Perenco funding).
 by Ted Gerald. The Jock Fee Cup was presented to Rob Newing (63) all done in a
 jovial style. There was time to remember Jock for his stern brand of discipline but   Corfe Castle – A351 upgrade signalised crossing near primary school.
 huge  sense  of fun.  He  had  been  a  highly  respected  superintendant  of  the  lido   Swanage – improving pedestrian link from Ulwell Road to Northbrook Road and
 from the time when it was run by the Royal Parks directly until 1983.
       Primary School via Days Park.
 This to me summed up the club’s ethos. It has a serious element to its swimming   Wareham - pedestrian and cycle link via A351 over bridge.
 but has not lost its sense of fun.  We sat a while enjoying a breakfast overlooking
 the  lido.  On  the  next  table  a  large  group  maybe  20  strong  sat  enjoying  the
 morning  sunshine.  They  were  chatting  about  their  swim  and  the  events  of  the   Town & Parish Councils to receive Developer Contributions
 morning, all friends enjoying a very special time together.
       Dorset  Council  has  agreed  a  protocol  that  will  allow  Section  106  funds  from
 Bob Holman    developers to be transferred to town and parish councils and community groups
       to  spend  on  agreed  community  facilities.  Section  106  funding  is  a  legal
       agreement  between  developers  and  planning  authority  (Dorset  Council).  It  is
       used  to  make  a  development  acceptable  in  planning  terms  where  it  would
      Quality Tax and   otherwise  be  undesirable.  It  is  based  on  the  specific  needs  of  the  local
       community  and  can  be  used  for  facilities  such  as  village  halls,  schools,  or  for
 KingsBere   Accounting   affordable housing and roads.

       Any  money  that  is  transferred  will  be  the  responsibility  of  the  council  or
 Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all   community group to manage. These funds, usually, must be spent within 10 years
       of receipt and, if not, the funds may be returned to the developer.
 aspects of accounts and tax

 Day and evening appointments available   Police meeting re the management of visitors
       Laura and I are holding regular meetings with the Police, landowners, Highways,
 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304   Traffic Officers and others to review the arrangements for handling visitors in the
       hotspot areas in our ward - particularly in Lulworth. The meeting is chaired by a   Senior  Officer  within  the  Police  and  Parish  Councils  have  provided  significant

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