Page 22 - jul2021
P. 22

July 2021                                                                           July 2021

       Educational Needs establishment (SEND) as a centre of Excellence within Dorset.      sporting event with style and panache, a nation able to poke a little fun at itself
       Children attending St Mary’s will be from all areas in Dorset. Many children with    (remember Rowan Atkinson and even the Queen joining in!).
       special needs are unable to access the support they require to develop and are
       placed  in  schools  outside  Dorset.  Each  out  of  county  place  costs  £60,000  on   Though a big World Series Triathlon is being planned for this September, the scene
       average  but  placements  within  Dorset  are  a  third  of  that  cost,  making  it  more   had  reverted  to  what I imagine  always  took  place  with  swimmers  gathering for
       economical  in  the  long  term.  A  third  of  the  children  currently  needing  a  SEND   the  8  am.  880  yard  handicap  race.  Others  were  in  there  enjoying  their  early
       place live within a 45-minute drive of Shaftesbury.                                  morning  dip,  some  fast,  some  slow,  some  old,  some  young.  I  guess  that  what
                                                                                            struck me most was the wide variety of ages of swimmers enjoying the lido. They
                                                                                            came in all shapes and sizes and presumably from all walks of life. Swimming is a
       Cultural Strategy                                                                    great leveller and we were all there to enjoy.
       An outline cultural strategy has                                                                                                As  we  stood  in  expectant
       been  developed  and  it  is                                                                                                    anticipation,   Brian   emerged
       available  to  view  on  the                                                                                                    from the upstairs balcony where
       Dorset  Council  website.  The                                                                                                  the club’s committee had been
       culture  sector  encompasses                                                                                                    having a meeting. He had been
       organisations,   freelancers,                                                                                                   club  secretary  since  2009,  a
       artists  and  creatives,  public                                                                                                member  since  he  was  11  and
       venues,   institutions,   and                                                                                                   had  a  long  family  association
       activities.  For  this  strategy,  this                                                                                         with  the  club.  His  uncle  Tommy
       includes:   –Performing   arts                                                                                                  was killed in a Blenheim Bomber
       including      dance,   music,                                                                                                  during  the  war  and  his  family
       comedy  and  theatre;  Visual                                                                                                   had  donated  the  Sergeant
       arts, design, craft and makers;                                                                                                 Thomas  Cup  in  his  memory.    I
       Digital   media   and   film;                                                                                                   remarked on how it was great to
       Museums,    collections   and                                                                                                   see  so  many  young  people
       archives; Libraries, literature, writing and publishing; The natural, historic and built                                        involved  and  he  came  up  with
       environment; Cultural tourism, locally produced food and drink, outdoor festivals    a priceless quote, “This club was once one for eccentric elderly gentlemen. Now it
       and attractions. Amateur and voluntary run arts for example fetes, carnivals and     is  a  club  for  eccentric  gentlemen  of  all  ages  “.  He  had  certainly  noticed  a
       knitting  circles.  The  next  steps  will  be  to  conduct  further  research  and  develop   refreshing trend that the age profile of club members was down over the past few
       delivery  plans  and  a  framework  to  make  sure  all  communities  in  Dorset  can   years, with many members now in their 20s and 30s all brought about by word of
       benefit from the strategy where we can help. This will help us when applying for     mouth.
       grants for new investment into Dorset and to maximise the leverage value of the      Another change had been the admission of women into the fold. Women have
       council’s own investment in arts, heritage and culture.                              only been admitted to full membership since 1999 but a few had been allowed
                                                                                            associate membership since the early 70s.  The club now has 500/600 members of

       Reduced Rail Provision                                                               which around 150 are actively involved and around half are women.
                                                                                            As we stood and chatted I noticed an elegant, petite lady arrive. It was Rosemary
       Below is a summary of a letter we recently sent to the Transport Minister expressing   George, a prominent member and vice President of the Serpentine Club. I had
       our  concerns  about  the  much-reduced  rail  service  in  Dorset  provided  by  South   always wanted to meet Rosemary as she had donated an annual trophy to the
       Western Railway.                                                                     Channel Swimming Association many years ago for the “Most Meritorious Swim of

       Prior to the pandemic we had 2 trains per hour (tph) running between Weymouth        the Year”. I had been its proud recipient in 1992. Rosemary had herself completed
       and Waterloo, one fast, one stopping. During the pandemic this was reduced to 1      two successful channel  swims  each  taking  over 20  hours  back in the  1960s  so it
       tph plus a shuttle between Weymouth and Bournemouth to allow connection to           made my 18 hour 40 minute effort look pretty straightforward.
       other  services.  This  has  now  been  reduced  to  1  tph  between  Weymouth  &
                                                                                            Rosemary  introduced  me  to  Alan  Lacey,  a  long  standing  club  member,  a  war
                                                                                            veteran who sunk two U-boats during the last war and who at the age 90 flew a

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