Page 59 - br-july-2020
P. 59

July 2020                              July 2020

 As  soon  as  ramps  were  put  in  a  tractor  arrived  on  the  scene  to  start  making  a   to get involved in fundraising activities in order to part-fund the trip and also to
 better firebreak. That packed up and had to be repaired and my neighbour Clive   raise awareness of the issues of deforestation and conservation in Borneo.
 offered to help with his flailer.
       You  may  have  attended  some  of  our  Borneo  Breakfast  events  on  Saturday
 We were then visited by a Tactical  Adviser from The Wild Fire Dept. who having   mornings at the Scout Hut before the lockdown restrictions took hold – thank you
 inspected the site advised us that we needed to Fire Prep our houses!   if you took part in these! We look forward to being able to safely run these events
       again in the future as soon as restriction-easing allows, as they proved to be a
 We had to remove any wooden objects that were by the walls ie benches and   popular  way  to  engage  the  local  community  with  our  project  and  provide  a
 the logs from the porch and anything plastic as well.
       useful service to the village too.
 I then took the valuables back to the car which had been put back in the garage.   Individual Explorers have also been
 It was moved to the car port should I need to get away quickly.
       using their initiative to add to their
 I then packed the bags yet again and all paper work hunted out to be picked up   fundraising  during  lockdown  –  for
 easily.   example  Rees  has  been  growing
       tomato plants and selling them on
 The threat of fire is less at night so my night’s sleeps have not been too bad.   his  trolley  parked  opposite  the
       village  shop  and  Oliver  has  made
 But what a day……
       gifts for Father’s Day and sold them
 Monday 25  May   via the village Facebook page.
 Another day of worrying whether the fire would reach Hyde Bog and come over   All  Explorers  are  developing
 to us. Fire risk high.   delicious recipes for our cookbook,
       which  will  be  available  for
 Had arranged to have tea with a neighbour up at Hyde but couldn’t face the risk   purchase later in the year.  Always
 of leaving the house.    a  popular  fundraiser,  the  recipe  book  contains  sweet  and  savoury  recipes,
       information and photographs which illustrate the resourcefulness and creativity of
 More fire breaks being made today to reduce the risk.
       the Scout Group members.
 220 hectares gone up in smoke apparently.
       As  we  look  forward  to  a  gradual  easing  of  restrictions  so  “we  can  all  meet
 Another visit by Tactical Advisor who tried to reassure us that all was being done to   again” (as the Queen told us in her speech), please look out for updates on any
 protect us. He advised us to go about our daily lives as normal as    events  or  fundraising  which  we  are  able  to  reinstate,  and  your  support  will  be
       hugely appreciated. We are pleased to announce the first step in this direction
 Covid 19 will allow !!   with  the  regular  appearance  of  Shitterton’s  own  English  Vintage  Summer  Ice
       Cream Company with “Daisy” the ice cream trailer, which can now be found in

       the  Scout  Hut  car  park  for  take-away  ice  cream  every  Saturday  and  Sunday
 Monday 8  June  & Tuesday 9  June       Notice jump in date !   between  12  noon  and  4pm,
                                                   and on Wednesday afternoons
 Thought all was back to normal. Played tennis today in Poole and on my return      from  2pm  to  6pm  (*times  may
 home found road closed from Bere Regis end.
                                                   be  subject  to  change;  please
 Another  fire.  Started  at  12.30pm  and  a  new  site.  Managed  to  get  passed  the   w a t c h    f o r    l o c a l
 police check saying where I lived.                announcements    to   confirm
                                                   any amendments).
 An Easterly wind so we should be OK.  7pm and all is quiet ! The village is back
 there and will be closely monitoring!             Strict   social   distancing
                                                   guidelines will be in place and
 10  fire  engines  required  and  they  worked  on  it  until  1pm  Tuesday  afternoon.   please follow the instruction of
 Apparently  it  was  caused  by  a  tree  that  was  burning  underground  and  then   the  marshals  at  busy  times.

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