Page 62 - br-july-2020
P. 62

July 2020                                                                           July 2020
       Of  course,  this  year,  the  75
       anniversary, was, of necessity,                                                                            AUTUMN LEAVES
       a  more  modest  affair.  We
       raised our glasses in Shitterton
                                                                                                                  As  this  article  is  usually  about  what  happened  at  the
       in  memory  of  all  those  who
                                                                                                                  Autumn Leaves Club each month, it is pretty difficult to
       made  the  ultimate  sacrifice
                                                                                                                  be  able  to  report  when  nothing  is  happening!    But
       all those years ago in a world
                                                                                                                  nothing venture, nothing gain, and I would like to share
       at war. We still thought about
                                                                                                                  this information with you all.
       the  message  of  twenty  five
       years  ago  –  aspirations  of  a                                                                          Just  as  the  Lockdown  started  in  March,  the  club  was
       world at peace.                                                                      coming to terms with the loss of our Dear Leader, Kath Jeeves.  We realised that
                                                                                            decisions had to be made regarding the future of the club, so it was decided to

                                                                                            ask the members what their opinions were, and a questionnaire was sent out.  The
                                                                                            response was very good with 27 out of 28 people returning the forms, and this is a
                                                                                            summary of the answers to the following questions:-
        OVER THE HILL OR ACROSS THE RIVER                                                                                              YES    NO     DON’T KNOW
                                                                                                                                                     DON’T MIND
       What does this title mean? It is quite simply that we are the other side of Black Hill                                                        MAYBE
       from Bere Regis in the hamlet of Turnerspuddle. What have we to write about? The     Do you want the club to continue?            27     0        0
       answer  is  the  beautiful  countryside  and  all  its  various  plants,  animals  and  birds
       found here. Starting from the churchyard, where we have had a wonderful display      Are you happy with the time of the meeting?     27     0       0
       of  snowdrops  since  the  last  week  of  December  and  the  glorious  yellow  of  the   Are you happy with the way the club is run at the moment?
       celandines, which have been in flower on the south facing bank of the lane down                                                   27     0        0
       to the church since the middle of January, The only other wild flowers in blossom
       then were the mass of white daisies on the lawn at the front of the house. While     Do you enjoy the speakers that we have?      27     0        0
       mentioning  the  lawn,  it is worth  stating  that  the  grass  does  not  appear  to  have   Do you like the musical afternoons?        20     2       5
       ceased  growing  all  winter.  This  is  also  seems  to  be  the  case  of  grass  generally,   Would you like more time to sit and chat over tea?
       especially  on  the  water  meadows  beside  the  river  Piddle,  which  of  course
       meanders along boundaries of Turnerspuddle.                                                                                         8    13       6
                                                                                            Would you like to receive a birthday card from the club?
        In  mid  February  there  were  numerous  birds  about  not  found  in  Bere,  including                                         12    12        3
       small  egrets  on  the  water  meadows,  numerous  buzzards,  which  can  be  seen   Would you be willing to help with the management team?
       hovering around almost daily. One comes to roost in our apple tree and then flies                                                   7    17       3
       off down the lane to find a new roost in the large ash tree growing beside the lane   If we had a “Rota” for people to help with the washing up,
       down to the church. Also greater spotted woodpeckers, which if not always visible    each member would only be called on about once a year.
       can  be  distinguished  by  their  distinctive  calls,  akin  to  their  tapping  at  the  tree   Would you like to help              20     6       1
       trunks on which they spend most of their days .At this moment in tme as I look out
                                                                                            Should the club be for over 50’s and not just over 60’s?
       onto the lawn a magpie looks back at me as though it owns the place.
                                                                                                                                         26     1        0
        Also  visible from the window is the bird table with its various feeders, which are
                                                                                            Do you like the name “Autumn Leaves”?        21     4        2
       now in need of refilling, so the numbers of smaller birds, which are normally visible
       from  the  kitchen  windows  just  aren’t  there.  These  in  the  past  have  included  all   As you can see, Autumn Leaves is very successful in the eyes of the members, but
       three types of sparrows, numerous tits, robins and even sedge warblers from down     very few are willing to help to run it.
       on the water  meadow.  This  morning {late February) I walked slowly up  the lane
       eastwards,  from  the  ‘village  centre’  towards  the  junction  with  the  main    Without  new  members  and  people  willing  to  take  on  some  responsibility,  the
       thoroughfare of Yearlings Drove , which meanders north easterly up to the main       Autumn Leaves will fall off the branch and fade away.

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