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July 2020                         July 2020
 President  - Ian Spalding   R  O  G  S
 Captain -  Neil Middleditch
 c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary   road  from  Bere  Regis  to  Wool.  Rush  hour  was  all  over  and  I  met  only  one  car,
 Vice       -  Matt March
 9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE   driven by my step son, who knowing it was me stopped for a natter.
 Secretary - Guy Storey
 Telephone:- 01929 471041
 Treasurer - Peter Cheeseman   As  I  walked  I  was  delighted  to  see  red  campions,  buttercups,  bluebells,  blue   e-mail:
       violets,  celandines  and  dandelions  flowering  in  abundance  each  species
       showing off its colours in a very dramatic way, far denser and brilliant than in most
 Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from February through to October.
 Membership currently full.   Contact Guy Storey – 471041 for waiting list and details.   years.  This  I  suppose  is  due  to  the  wonderful,  sunny  and  warm  spring  we  have
       enjoyed so far. Where the foliage was tall, dark green, abundant, in dominating
 V E N U E S   2020   clusters and the small flowers white and in umbels, this was cow parsley at its best
       and  rather  domineering.  Starting  from  the  churchyard,  where  we  have  had  a
 Date   Venue   Trophy   Winner
       wonderful display of snowdrops since the last week of December and the glorious
 6th March   Ferndown Golf Club   Members Challenge  Cancelled   yellow of the celandines, which have been in flower on the south facing bank of
       the lane down to the church since the middle of January
 27th March   Rushmore Golf Club   GRS Trophy   Cancelled
        It is  now  mid  February  and  there  are  numerous  birds  about  not  found  in  Bere,
 24  April   Came Down Golf Club   Jim Corbin Cup   Cancelled   including small egrets on the water meadows, numerous buzzards, which can be
       seen  hovering  around  almost  daily.  One  comes  to  roost  in  our  apple  tree  and
 29th May   Salisbury and South Wilts GC   Ex-Landlord’s cup   Cancelled
       then  flies  off  down  the  lane  to  find  a  new  roost  in  the  large  ash  tree  growing
 26  June   Ashley Wood Golf Club   President’s Cup   Cancelled   beside the lane down to the church. Also greater spotted woodpeckers, which if
       not always visible can distinguished by their distinctive calls, akin to their tapping
 31st July   Bulbury Golf Club   Memorial Cup
       at the tree trunks on which they spend most of their days .At this moment in time
 28th August   Dorset Golf and Country Club   Captain’s Cup      as I  look  out  onto  the  lawn  a  magpie  looks  back  at  me  as  though it  owns  the
 25  September  Lyme Regis Golf Club   Whitbread Pairs
       Visible from the window is the bird table with
 30  October    Dibden Golf Centre   Zoom Trophy      its various feeders, which are now in need of
       refilling, so the numbers of smaller birds, which
 Mini Tour  -  12th-14th June  - Llandhydrock GC |  AGM  -  11th November  -    are normally visible from the kitchen windows
       just  aren’t  there.  These  in  the  past  have
 Bere Regis Sports Club |   Christmas Cup of Good Cheer and Presentation Evening
       included  all  three  types  of  sparrow,  finches,
 -  5th December at Wareham Golf Club |
       numerous  tits  and  even  sedge  warblers  from
       down on the water meadows.
       Not  only  are  the  birds  becoming  scarcer  but
       so  are  the  butterflies.  We  are  now  in  the
       second week of June and butterflies have not
       yet  been  seen  here,  except  for  one  orange
       tip, three small whites and a small blue , which
       I was unable to get close enough to identify. Butterflies generally are becoming
       rarer and rarer. Is it because of what Puccini says in his opera, Madame Butterfly,
                                       They say that overseas
                                        If it should fall into the hands of man
                                        A butterfly is stuck through
                                         With a pin
                                         And fixed to a board.
                                                         Ted Cox  14th June 2014

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