Page 57 - br-july-2020
P. 57

July 2020                              July 2020

 Dorothy  came  for  lunch  ……  on  Patio  and  then  we were  off for  a  5km  walk….   EXPEDITION TO BORNEO 2021
 Along the very churned up fire breaks making walking quite unpleasant!
       As many regular readers will already know, the Kingsbere Explorer Scout Unit from
 On our return Clive and Carolyne informed me that the fire had started up again
       Bere  Regis  in  Dorset  will  be  undertaking  a  month-long  expedition  to  Borneo  in
 on  Woolsbarrow  side  of  the  road  and  the  wind  being  an  Easterly  we  were  yet   Summer  2021.  Around  twenty  young  people  from  our  village’s  Explorer  Scout
 again  in  the  firing  line!  I  went  off  to  speak  to  a  Fire  Fighter  and  there  was  the
       Group  plan  to  spend  a  month  out  in  Borneo,  working  on  conservation  projects
 Incident Room set up in the car park opposite our entrance!
       and exploring the rainforest.
 Spoke to a Richard Coleman who actually reassured me that it was well under
 control and not to worry.   Fundraising  events  to  support  the  trip  which  involve
       group gatherings have had to be curtailed for the time
  So Dorothy and I had the planned Cream Tea and after she had gone home I set   being,  but  plans  are  still  actively  progressing  for  the
 about NOT preparing the house or packing!   expedition.  Despite  the  sometimes  bleak  outlook
       implied by current lockdown restrictions, we are looking
 So ….. there you have it ….. two weeks of stress and worry and acceptance that if   ahead  positively  to  a  time  (very  soon)  when
 the house goes up in smoke ……  so be it!   international  travel  will  again  be  possible  and  the
       chance  to  safely  see  and  experience  new  countries
 I hope this the end of my report!
       and  cultures  will  be  a  realistic  proposition.  For  this
 Rowan Temple      08/06/2020   expedition,  we  are  working  again  with  the  highly
       experienced  group  Adventure  Alternative,  a  specialist
       expedition travel company who provide a full itinerary
       and local support for all the planned activities of our expedition.
    G P Lewis    The  island  of  Borneo is  the  third  largest  non-continental  island  in  the  world  after
 Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator   Greenland  and  New  Guinea.  Located  in  Southeast  Asia,  it  is  divided  into  three
       nations;  the  small  country  of  Brunei  off  of  the  central  part  of  the  north  coast,
       Malaysia,  and  Indonesia.  Malaysia  has  two  regions  in  the  north,  the  states  of
 All aspects of painting and   Sabah and Sarawak. Indonesia claims about two thirds of the island in the south.
       This part of Indonesia is also known as the state of Kalimantan.
 decorating undertaken including
       The  team  from  Bere  Regis  will  start  their  month  in  Borneo  with  a  week  of
 Domestic, New builds, Refurbs   conservation  activities  at  Sabah’s  Sepilok  Orangutan  Centre,  followed
 and Commercial.   immediately by a programme of work at the neighbouring Sun Bear Conservation
       Centre.  They  will  also  play  an  active  role  in  the  local  conservation  and
 Qualified and with over 30 years
       rehabilitation projects in the area to ensure a sustainable environment for native
 experience, will offer friendly   wildlife, intended to slow down (or ideally stop) deforestation for palm oil.
 advice if needed.                     The expedition is a fantastic opportunity for a

    1st class finish   If you require a job done hassle free      group  of  around  twenty  15  to18-year-old
 by an honest, friendly tradesman      Explorer  Scouts  to  see  the  Borneo  rainforest
    Free written quotes   please give Gavin a call on   first  hand.  The  expedition  will  include  a  river
    Fully insured   01929 471704 or 07977   safari  down  Kinabatangan  River,  where  wild
                                       orangutans  in  their  native  environment
    No job too small or big   047314, Email:   currently thrive.

                                       Our expeditioners will have the opportunity to

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