Page 56 - br-july-2020
P. 56

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

       A further problem was trying to establish a direct link                             DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
       with  Bere  Regis.  On  his  Canadian  enlistment
       document,  Herbert  Diffey  gave  the  address  of  his
       father,  his  next  of  kin  as,  ‘Bere  Regis,  Dorset’.  The                      Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       CWGC  records  him  as  being  ‘the  son  of  James                                 businesses so you don’t have to.
       Bushrod  Diffey  and  Emma  Diffey  of  Newlands                                    For more information visit or
       Cottages,  West  Lulworth,  Wareham,  England.’  In                                 call 08454 040506.
       1922,  his  medals,  the  British  War  Medal,  Victory                             To report or seek advice about problems you have
       Medal  and  the  1914-1915  Star,  were  sent  to  his
       father, James, at Sunnyside, Winfrith, Dorset. Herbert                              experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       Diffey is also commemorated on the West Lulworth
       war memorial under his correct name.
                                                                                            Facemasks and PPE
       There  are  records  of  Diffeys  or  Diffys  living  in  Bere
       Regis going back many years from at least the late                                   On  the  11   May  the  Government  advised  people  to  wear  face  coverings  in
       18   century.  However,  the  Census  Return  for  1891                              enclosed spaces when social distancing, on public transport or in some shops.
       shows  Herbert  Diffey’s  family  living  at  Woodsford
       and the Returns for 1901 and 1911 at Knighton Lane, Winfrith. There is no record of                                                         Face    coverings
       James Diffey living in Bere Regis after 1911 and we will not be able to verify if he                                                        s u c h      a s
       was until the 1921 Census is released next year.                                                                                            handmade  masks
                                                                                                                                                   and  scarves  do
       So, why is Herbert Trevett’s name on the Bere Regis Memorial? Did Herbert Diffey                                                            not  replace  the
       change his surname to that of his stepmother at some stage? There is no record                                                              need  for  social
       that he did so and he used his real surname in his military records. Also it is unlikely                                                    distancing    or
       that he would have done so as there already a Herbert Trevett in the extended                                                               h a n d w a s h i n g .
       family. Was it a genuine confusion about which of the Herberts was killed serving                                                           Evidence  suggests
       with the Canadians, Herbert Diffey or Herbert Trevett?                                                                                      that   wearing   a
                                                                                                                                                   covering  does  not
       Why did the family chose to commemorate their son in Bere Regis? Did his father                                                             p r o t ec t    y ou .
       return to live in the Parish after 1911?  Was it because of the historic family  link with                                                  However,  if  you
       the  village?  If  so,  why  wasn’t  the  Diffey  surname  used  on  the  memorial?  The                                                    are  infected  but
       mystery remains unresolved.                                                          have not yet developed symptoms, it may provide some protection for others you
                                                                                            come into close contact with.
       Should the error be corrected? If the War Memorial was provided by the CWGC
       and if a verifiable case can be made out, they are obliged to correct an error. In   A  face  covering  is  not  the  same  as  personal  protective  equipment  (PPE)  or
       our case, my view is that if the error is known about and recorded, the error should   medical  devices  such  as  surgical  masks  or  respirators  used  by  healthcare  and
       remain  on  the  memorial  as  part  of  ‘the  history  of  the  piece’  and  as  a  known   other workers. This equipment  is heavily regulated, designed and manufactured
       about – unresolved  mystery. What do others feel?                                    to  be  worn  for  protection  against  one  or  more  risks  to  that  person's  health  or
       NB. Some of this information is to be included in a forthcoming book about the 200
       or so men from Bere Regis who went off to serve in the Great War, some never to      As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic there has been a huge increase in
       return.                                                                              demand  for  PPE  products  both  commercially  and  by  consumers.  Unfortunately,
                                                                                            this has led to a rise in the number of illegal PPE being sold. These products can
                                                       Phil Ventham  01929 471215
                                                                                            often be dangerous and unsafe, or come from supply chains without traceability
                                                                                            back to a manufacturer’s technical file to show it complies with our law.

                                                                                            Trading Standards are responsible for the enforcement of PPE sold to consumers.
                                                                                            As a minimum PPE masks should bear-

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