Page 28 - br-july-2020
P. 28

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

       wildlife. This year for the first time since the
       ponies were introduced into the field again                                         POETRY CORNER
       3  years  ago,  we  have  a  good  number  of
       Southern  Marsh  Orchids  which  are  a
       'protected' wild flower.  This type and other                                       Forest Fire    May to June
       orchids  were  most  likely  very  common  in                                       2020
       the fields near the stream in years gone by.
       This  is  one  of  the  main  reasons  why  the                                     What flames I saw when on my walk
       Parish Council purchased the field and set                                          To the Fire Service I must quickly talk
       it  up  as  a  nature  reserve.  We  are                                            Wareham Forest alight I say
       concerned that it looks as though someone                                           “We know We know We’re on our
       has dug up one of the orchids. This is NOT
       allowed  and  it  is  almost  certain  that  the                                    way”

       plant  would  not  survive  in  a  garden
       because the growing conditions would not                                            But oh that fire took off so fast
       be  correct.  So  please  enjoy  just  seeing                                       The wind so strong, we were all aghast
       them on Souls Moor. The pond is colonising                                          It jumped the road and spread apace   And still the flare ups steamed up
       well,  keep  a  look  out  for  the  damselflies,
                                                                                           Horrendous smoke, not in our face.   around
       dragonflies and other creatures that are in
                                                                                                                                An endless task in harsh hot sun
       and around the pond.
                                                                                           Ten and then fifteen or more
                                                                                                                                In all their clothing it was not much fun.
                                                     Do say “hello” to the ponies          Fire Engines at a roar

                                                     when  you  pass,  but  please         Spread across the forest deep        A baby tawny owl was found
                                                     do   not   feed   them   or
                                                                                           Struggling to contain the heat       Hiding, starving on the ground
                                                     approach  them  and  keep

                                                     dogs on a lead.  For those of         They came from counties far and wide    His mother scared had fled the nest
                                                     you   concerned   for   the                                                Smoked out and pink eyed …what a
                                                     ponies’  welfare,  be  assured        Fire Fighters filled with courage and   test.
                                                     they  are  regularly  checked         pride
                                                     and  they  have  a  plentiful         On they worked all day and night     He’s thriving now, finds mice a treat
                                                     supply  of  water  from  the          Thrashing the flames with all their might   That’s all he eats, delicious meat
                                                                                                                                His name is Phoenix…very apt
                                                                                           Exhausted, hungry, tired and worn

                                                                                                                                Watching him fly we all are rapt
                                                                                           They kept on at it until the morn

                                                                                           But then, just as it seemed at peace   Three weeks of threats to house and
                                                     Nature Notes                          Another flare up in another place    home
                                                                                                                                A stressful time I have to moan
       We  are  still  posting  regular  Nature  Notes  on  the  village  Facebook  page  and
                                                                                           A Helicopter joined the fight        But now the rain has helped at last
       sending them to all on our e-mailing list. Do look out for them – they provide some
       information on local and seasonal wildlife sights, be they plants, animals, insects   Water bombing around the site      And fears and worry are in the past.
       etc,  and  are  accompanied  by  some  amazing  photos.  Let  us  know  if  there  is   Fire Hoses snaked down the road
       anything you would like us to cover and if you have any special wildlife photos do   10 kilometres to carry the load     Fingers Crossed!!
       send  them  to  us.  If  you  would  like  to  be  included  on  the  e-mailing  list,  please                                  Rowan Temple     June 10  2020
       contact us.                                                                         Gallons and gallons pumped over the

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