Page 24 - br-july-2020
P. 24

July 2020                                                                           July 2020
       Council to urgently check the trees on site and see if any need to be protected
       with  a  Tree  Protection  Order  which  would  then  stop  it  being  removed.  Dorset   VIEW FROM MY WINDOW ….
       Council are dealing with this as quickly as possible. If there comes a stage where
       any applications for development or a licence has to be applied for and is put
       forward to us, then we will publicise this and respond accordingly.                  Paul J Openshaw (May 2020)
                                                                                            When I woke up on Thursday morning, the view from my window, was blurred and
                                                                                            fuzzy. It stayed that way for most of the day. The reason for this was because, with
       Black Hill SSSI
                                                                                            much on my mind, and having tried everything from counting sheep to mentally
       We were grateful to Amy Gallagher from the Urban Heaths Partnership for giving       regurgitating song lyrics, sleep had been spectacularly elusive.
       up  some  of  her  time  to  talk  about  what  the  Urban  Heaths  Partnership  do,   I  had  recently  left  employment,  following  a  period  of  long-term  sickness. In  the
       managing  the  land  on  behalf  of  Natural  England  and  the  landowner.  Amy     retirement process, I had fallen foul of what could be described as, no more or
       confirmed  that  following  the  recent  discussions,  they  have  now  put  notices  in   less than, a Human Resources box ticking exercise, which meant that I was being
       place on the land, making it clear to all users that bikes are only allowed on the   denied a payment of several thousand pounds.
       bridleways and nowhere else.  Amy discussed the various wildlife which inhabits
       the  SSSI  and  the  importance  of  protecting  that.  They  are  happy  to  help  us   I  felt  extremely  disappointed  in  myself  because  it
       investigate any alternative areas locally for bike users and work on education for   did not seem as though there was a lot I could do,
       everyone  on  the  benefits of  the  SSSI  and  the  need  to  look  after  the  area.  We   other than take it on the chin and move forward to
       agreed that we would also like to help produce some larger signage to go up in       concentrate on all the many good things in my life.
       the area, to help inform on the value of the area.                                   When I came to list the positives, they far outweigh
                                                                                            the negatives, of which the most significant, at the

                                                                                            moment, is the fact that I cannot find my bedroom
       Play Park Improvements                                                               slippers,  which  disappeared  at  the  start  of  the
                                                                                            week.  In  spite  of  checking  every  wardrobe,
       Whilst we await for the green light to reopen the play park, we are continuing
       with  our  programme  of  improvements  and  upgrades,  with  new  rubber  “bark”    cupboard, nook, cranny and crevice, they cannot
       due  to  arrive  soon,  and  metal  brackets  being  fitted  to  the  feet  of  most  of  the   be  found  for  love  nor  money.  It  is  only  when  you
       equipment to help preserve its life. We hope to have these measures in place for     lose  something  as  simple  as  slippers  that  you
       when it reopens and will continue to monitor and fix any problems as they arrive.    become aware of what a  big part these  things can play in your life. This facet
                                                                                            seems to be blown, out of all proportion in retirement and can be a frighteningly,

                                                                                            problematic distraction.
       Open Spaces
                                                                                            Having spent a lot of time trying to retrace my steps, my current thinking is that
       On Souls Moor, the ponies are back and doing                                         they  have  been  “scurried  away”  in  a  flurry  of  tidying  up,  in  which  I  was  not
       a great job again.  The benefit of the grazing                                       involved. That can be the only solution.
       on the wet part which floods in the winter has                                       To get back to my financial issue, as the day wore on, I started to wonder whether
       already helped the wildlife. This year for the first                                 “scurried away” is what had happened to my money, as a flurry of e mails went
       time since the ponies were introduced into the                                       back and forth, with Human Resources. When I went to bed on Wednesday, in my
       field  again  3  years  ago,  we  have  a  good                                      head I was blaming myself for being dilatory, and perhaps rash. Having said that, I
       number of Southern Marsh Orchids which are a                                         have never been particularly good with form filling and small print. By the time I
       'protected'  wild  flower.    This  type  and  other                                 got to Thursday afternoon, I was beginning to realise that, in actual fact, I was not
       orchids  were  most  likely  very  common  in  the                                   the  only  one  who  struggles  with  that  sort  of  detail.  It  transpires  that  there  were
       fields near the stream in years gone by. This is                                     significant inconsistencies and shortfalls in the Human Resources camp.
       one of the main reasons why the Parish Council
       purchased  the  field  and  set  it up  as  a  nature                                At 10pm on Thursday, I clambered up the wooden hill to go to bed, having spent
       reserve.  We  are  concerned  that  it  looks  as                                    a day, mostly in the garden. On top of being sleep deprived, I was totally spent,
       though  someone  has  dug  up  one  of  the                                          but my head was filled with positive resolve. I felt strongly in my mind that, in time,

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