Page 26 - br-july-2020
P. 26

July 2020                                                                           July 2020
                                                                                           Credit where credit is due

       The  Parish  Council  is  very  aware  of  the  tremendous  voluntary  efforts  many
       individuals and groups have put in over the past few months in innumerable acts     The dunnock is brown, there’s no gold on his crown,
       of  kindness  supporting  vulnerable  people,  doing  shopping  trips,  or  providing  a
       friendly, neighbourly voice to those in isolation.                                  But his silvery song comes tumbling down.
                                                                                           The great tit is trim in his yellow-black kit
       When the time is right we want to publicly recognise these wonderful people and
       present them with Certificates of Appreciation, on behalf of the whole community.   Calling “teacher”, oh “teacher”, on ad infinite
       Clearly that can't happen yet.
                                                                                           The starlings all squabble and jostle and fight,
       In the meantime, we would like you to nominate those who deserve recognition        Putting green parakeets to a panicky flight.
       by emailing or messaging Amanda Crocker, our clerk BereRegis Clerk, giving the
       name  of  your  nominee,  and  a  sentence  or  two  explaining  why  they  are  being   The two collared doves quietly bill as they coo,
       nominated.                                                                          Their deportment and manners so prim as they woo.

       Thank you,                                                                          The magpies are louder, and when they all bathe
                                                                    Ian Ventham            Show no-one has taught them just how to behave.
                                                                                           My robin is perky, his sub-voice is soft
                                                                                           But how magic he sounds in full throat aloft.
                                                                                           The newt in the pond has a menacing mien
                                                                                           In his startling gold waistcoat, his appetite’s keen
                                                                                           For the poor little tadpoles emerging from spawn –
          Dorset Property Care                                                             Any chance their surviving to “frogdom” forlorn.
                   Allan Slater                                                            The ivy and yew buzz with bumbles and bees,
              Based in Briantspuddle
                                                                                           So too does the blossom on old apple trees.

                                                                                           Of butterfly species the count is now eight,
              Services
                                                                                           And they zig zag and flutter in a drunken-like state.
              Building maintenance
                                                                                           The bats then emerge as the sun disappears,
              General joinery
                                                                                           Their calls much too high for my elderly ears.
              Garden maintenance
                                                                                           Perhaps damn Corona gives space for one thing:
              Ground works
                                                                                           To savour the joy and perfection of spring.

                                                                                                                                           Susan Jacobs, 18 April 2020
              07973 158092


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