Page 23 - br-july-2020
P. 23

July 2020                              July 2020

 HR would come around to my way of thinking. If they did not, then I would be   BERE REGIS NEWS
 quite ready and armed to go to arbitration, whatever the result. In all of this, there
 are more important things at stake than mere money, of which no amount can
 buy  happiness.  That  comes  from  having  time  to  spend  with  dear  family  and
 friends,  and  especially  family,  which,  for  me,  includes  a  generous  dollop  of   BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
 When my head hit the pillow, my brain quickly switched into off mode. The next   Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480
 morning,  I  woke  up  at  5am,  having  slept  like  a  log.  When  I  looked  out  of  the
 window,  the  view  was  clear  and  fresh.  The  only  thing  of  importance,  which  is
 really missing, is my slippers.   Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969

       Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327
 Alison Bennett (UHT milk, Baxters   Crocker
 Tomato Soup and Noodle ….lots of
 noodles )   Websites:
 I am awake, it is first light  !
 Was this whole thing a nightmare or is it real?     The  Parish  Council  met  remotely  via  Zoom  on  Thursday  11th  June  2020.  Two
        members of the public joined the meeting. The next meeting will be on Thursday
 The  dawn  chorus  seems  more  amazing  than  ever
        9  July, again remotely. If you wish to join the meeting, or wish to send a question
 with new sounds and many more of them.
        in to be read out, please contact the clerk beforehand.
 The  lockdown  has  really improved  the  bird  life,  the
 air is cleaner the sun is shining and the signs of spring are all around.
        BereConnect Emergency Fund
 In this beautiful rural village you could be forgiven if you forgot it was a global
        The fund, which was established by donations via JustGiving, received £5475 from
        71 donors. So far nearly £870 has been spent on food for distribution from the food
 Apart from the fact that  people have been told to stay at home , people are   bank,  and  £500  has  been  given  out  in  loans  or  grants.  There  is  about  £3900
 having to shield and people are desperately missing those they love the most ,   remaining in the fund.  Application for help can be made by any parishioner at
 people are even missing people who they don’t even like that much, with a stark    any time to
 realisation that people need people,  we don’t thrive well in isolation.

 For the last 4months we have been running a food bank out of the village Hall   Rowlands Wait
 many village families have been helped as they are struggling to put basic food
 on the table.    The Parish Council were asked
        by  a  member  of  the  public
 Many more village families have been donating food to the bank in this time of   about  the  ongoing  works  at
 need.    Rowlands  Wait,  and  it  was
        stressed  that  at  the  present
 The care and kindness that the village has shown has been incredible.  Volunteers
 have  helped  with  shopping  and  prescriptions,  phoned  isolated  people,  fed   stage  there  is  no  system  for
 people,  sat  with  the  very  sick  and  helped  get  support  for  those  who  felt  they   the  Parish  Council,  or  the
 could not live in the lockdown any longer.    public, to be able to make an
        objection  to  any  works  going
        on. The only thing we can do,
        which  we  have,  is  ask  Dorset

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