Page 62 - br-july-2019
P. 62

July 2019                                                                           July 2019

                                                                                           anything  else  we  could  do  to  help  this  process.  It  was  agreed  we  would
                                                                                           investigate  any  further  ways  in  which  we  could  help  keep  this  vital  community


                                                                                           We  are  delighted  to  now  have  4
                                                                                           benches situated around the village
                                                                                           for people to use whilst out enjoying
                                                                                           our  fantastic  village  open  spaces.  3
                                                                                           of  these  have  been  funded  by
                                                                                           private  donations.  If  you  wish  to
                                                                                           make  a  donation  towards  any
                                                                                           further  benches,  maybe  in
                                                                                           memoriam  of  a  loved  one,  please
                                                                                           contact  the  Clerk,  Amanda  on

                                                                                           Cemetery Charges
                                                                                           Having increased the charges for the cemetery by 10% last year, following years of
                                                                                           no change, it was decided that we would increase them by 3% this year and put
                                                                                           a  plan  in  place  to  review  this  annually  to  try  and  avoid  large  increases  in  the

                                                                                           Open Spaces
                                                                                           We are delighted to see the return of the 2 ponies to the Nature Reserve at Souls’
                                                                                           Moor and are looking forward to seeing the continued progress and benefits their
                                                                                           grazing brings to the wildlife there. The ponies are regularly monitored and have a
                                                                                           constant supply of fresh water. If you are nervous around horses or have dogs that
                                                                                           might bother them, we advise walking around the outside of the nature reserve. If
                                                                                           you do have any concerns about the horses, please contact the Clerk.

                                                                                           There is now a full summer programme for our new Community Minibus, being run
                                                                                           by Councillor House as an extension of the NeighbourCar scheme. The following
                                                                                           trips are now planned:
                                                                                           TUESDAY 4TH JUNE TO BRIDPORT
                                                                                           TUESDAY 18TH JUNE TO HOLME FOR GARDENS

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