Page 57 - br-july-2019
P. 57

July 2019                              July 2019

 new, or just pop in for a chat, they would love you to come along. They welcome
 people  with  disabilities,  dementia  or  long-term  health  problems  and  there  is  a
 whole range of very gentle work on offer. Come on your own, or if you have a
 group who would like to try out a day at the shed, please get in touch with me.
 You can try making baskets, hurdles or bird boxes. Help grow or look after trees or
 plants, paint or restore signs or just pop in for a cuppa and a chat. No experience
 needed – just come along and we will put you to work!
 Opening  times  are  Mondays  10am-1pm  and  Wednesdays  1pm-4pm.  Any  other
 days/times - contact them for details. If you want to find out more, give them a
 ring on 01929 424443, visit, pop into the Castle for a chat, or
 come along. I will happily take people (preferably groups) along who want to see
 what it is like. Please  email  me if you have any other questions or would like to
 arrange a visit.  Peter Wharf.

 Surgeries will be held by one or other of us for half an hour prior to one (sometimes
 two)  of  the  Parish  Council meetings  we  attend.  For  July  it  will  be  at 6.30  at  the
 D’Urberville Hall in Wool on Monday 15  July.  If you cannot make it to a surgery
 please email either of us and we will arrange to come around to see you.  Peter’s
 email   address   is   and   Laura’s   is

 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck


 As the weather improves, it has been great to have
 a bit more time in Dorset recently during the recent
 recess.  Despite  the  popular  myth,  recess  is  not  just
 another  word  for  MPs  being  on  holidays!  It  is  a
 chance  for  Members  of  Parliament  to  spend  more
 time  in  their  constituencies,  and  I  always  take  the
 opportunity  to  visit  local  schools,  or  businesses,
 organisations and charities.
  As I write, it is volunteers’ week, and I was pleased to
 be able to visit the Volunteer Centre Dorset to discuss their support of volunteers
 across Dorset. There are so many people volunteering in our communities, and
 often in unseen, unacknowledged roles. In many places across Dorset there are
 people volunteering in parish and town councils, and I was pleased to be able
 to thank some of them at the recent Upton Town Council annual assembly.
   Another  voluntary  role  that  is incredibly  valuable  is  working  with children  and
 families. I visited the charity HomeStart South East Dorset to hear about their work

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