Page 65 - br-july-2019
P. 65

July 2019                              July 2019




       First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to
       every single person who played a part in making
       the  Briantspuddle  open  gardens  event  such  an
       amazing day. The standard of every aspect of the
       day  was  incredible  from  the  warm  welcome  at
       the  car  park,  the  plant  stall,  the  food  and  music
       provided in the hall and of course the outstanding
       gardens. I know, just by looking at my own garden
       which is a long way of being respectable enough to open, it doesn’t happen by
       chance but by hours of weeding and tending and caring and so thank you for
       your tireless effort that enables our open gardens to be the success it is. With over
       60  volunteers  joining  together  on  the  Sunday  evening  we  celebrated  another
       successful village event!
       Following closely on the village hall AGM was held on Wednesday 5  June, where
       the activities of the previous year were celebrated. Everyone on the committee
       was happy to stand again and were duly elected. Towards the end of the year
       Mike Menzies resigned his position as the parish council representative. We extend
       our heartfelt thanks to Mike for all the work he’s put in and will continue to put in
       albeit no longer as a trustee.

       Jenny Lightfoot decided it was time to hand over the chair of Trustees. It is by no
       means an overstatement to say without Jenny’s leadership the village hall would
       not be in anywhere near as good shape as it is. Thankyou Jenny for your tireless
       commitment to our amazing facility and this community.
       And so it is with trepidation to step into those shoes and excitement for the future
       that I agreed to take on the Chair. I should say a little about myself for those that
       don’t know me. I’m Stuart Chorley and along with my wife Ali and our daughters
       Amelia  and  Eloise  we  moved  into  Briantspuddle  a  little  over  2  years  ago.  We
       absolutely love living in such a beautiful place, both the physical location and the
       nature of the people who live here. We have been made to feel very welcome
       and are keen to contribute back to the community.

       I am pleased to say than Roger Smith has agreed to step into the role of vice chair
       and  that  Allan  Smith  has  agreed  to  continue  to  provide  a  steady  hand  on  our
       finances as treasurer for another year. Angela Tozer our bookings officer has also
       agreed to step into the role of secretary.
       I  am  looking  forward  to  working  with  the  trustees  and  achieving  another

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