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July 2019                                                                           July 2019
                                                                                           with  over  200  families,  providing  support  and
         ADVICE FOR OUTDOOR WORKERS                                                        friendship  for  families  with  young  children.  The
                                                                                           feedback  from  families  helped  is  incredibly
                                                                                           positive,  and  HomeStart  are  always  looking  for
       Men  who  spend  long  periods  of  time  outdoors  are  being  urged  to  protect   volunteers.  The  typical  time  commitment  is  1-2
       themselves against the sun this summer amid a rise in the number of people being    hours  per  week  over  a  6  month  period  per
       diagnosed with skin cancer in the South of England.                                 family,  and  HomeStart  will  match  families  with
                                                                                           the  volunteer  to  whom  they  feel  the  family
       Farmers,  builders,  sportsmen
       and  gardeners  are  all  being                                                     would be best suited. Please contact HomeStart
       targeted to, “Cover Up, Mate”                                                       on  01202  574877  if  you  are  interested  in
       because  of  their  prolonged                                                       becoming a valued volunteer.
       exposure to the sun  –men are                                                        Community sport is another area with hundreds
       a  particular  focus  because                                                       of volunteers working for our young people, and
       research  indicates  that  they                                                     I am hoping to visit some of the teams during the summer. I was delighted to be
       are  much  less  likely  than                                                       able to play as part of the team for Poole hockey club’s 125 year celebrations,
       women    to   slap   on   the                                                       though I am not as fit as I would like! If you run a community sport group, and
       sunscreen.                                                                          would like me to visit one of your training sessions or matches, please do get in
                                                                                           touch with my office.
       National Farmers Union South West Regional Board Chairman, James Small, said:
       “Working in the rough, tough world of farming, we often want to brush things off    In Westminster itself, although Brexit has been on the agenda, as always there are
       and just get on with the job, but there are times when that kind of resilience can   plenty of other things going on in Parliament too. I recently met a representative
                                                                                           from  Leonard  Cheshire  in  Parliament,  to  discuss  making  work  places  fairer  and
       come back and bite you and this is one of those.
                                                                                           more inclusive for people with disabilities. Leonard Cheshire support thousands of
       “We owe it to ourselves and our families to take the risk of skin cancer seriously   individuals in the UK and abroad, through their network of staff and volunteers.
       and  above  all  if  we  are  bothered  by  something  to  not  dismiss  it,  but  get  it
       checked out.”                                                                         If  you  would  like  to  visit  Parliament  or  have  an  issue  that  you  need  help  with,
                                                                                           p l e a s e    d o    g e t    i n    t o u c h ;    e m a i l    m e

                                                                                           on or contact my office
                                                                                           on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing
       Top sun safe tips include:
                                                                                           Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook
            Use at least factor 15 sunscreen in the sun and use plenty of it              michael4MDNP
            Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin – don’t forget your neck and ears and
             your head if you have thinning or no hair

            Wear sunglasses and a hat                                                             LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
            Take  particular care if have  fair  skin,  moles  or  freckles,  red  or fair hair,  or
             light-coloured eyes.                                                              Michael Tomlinson MP     

                                                                                               holds regular surgeries
                                                                                              in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
                                                                                               details of forthcoming
                                                                                              surgeries or to make an   
                                                                                               appointment, please           @Michael4MDNP
                                                                                                 contact his office.

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