Page 51 - br-July-2018
P. 51

July 2018                              July 2018


                       OVER  50’S CLUB
 Every  week  I  receive  hundreds  of  emails  from
 constituents  about  things  they  are  concerned   Once again a good turnout of members were enthralled by a
 about.  Some  are  from  people  who  require   talk  from  Mary  Graham  about  the  little  known  outbreak  of
 assistance  –  whether  with  the  Child  Maintenance   Typhoid in Poole and Bournemouth in 1936. Over 700 people
 Service, housing issues, immigration or schools. Whilst   became very ill and more than 50 people died, but it was all hushed up, and only
 I  cannot  wave  a  magic  wand,  sometimes  an   by diligent detective work by a doctor was the source traced to infected milk
 intervention  from  my  office  can  prove  to  be  a   from a dairy in Wimborne.
 catalyst  for  positive  change.  Other  people  get  in
 touch about local issues – from affordable housing to   Next  month  we  will  have  an  equally  interesting  talk  by  Frank  Holden  about  his
 traffic problems, and broadband problems to grass   experiences as a registrar of births, deaths and marriages.  Do come and join us
 cutting frequency. Some of these can be dealt with by the local councils, and I   at the Scout Hut on Wednesday 11th July at 2.30. Bring a friend! I'm sure you will
 work closely with local councillors across the constituency.   enjoy it!
 Other  people  are  more  focussed  on  national  and  international  issues.  Brexit
 obviously is the subject of many emails I receive – from both side of the argument.
 Animal welfare also always features highly, as does the environment. I am often   BERE REGIS WILDLIFE
 contacted by people about the NHS and I’m really pleased that the government
 were able to give nurses a pay rise this year, as they provide such an important   GROUP
 People  also  have  worldwide  concerns  –  with  issues  such  as  Rohingya  Muslims,   We  have  enjoyed  some  warm  sunny  weeks  through
 persecuted  Christians  around  the  world,  the  Middle  East  and  Syria  featuring   May and June, which has been a boost for our wildlife.
 recently.  As  the  Parliamentary  Private  Secretary  to  the  Secretary  of  State  for   This is very evident if you walk along the meadow area
 International Development, part of my job is to have a deeper understanding of   in  May’s  Wood,  between  the  primary  school  and  the
 international affairs and to be the “eyes and ears” in Parliament. I do not ask or   far  end  of  Shitterton.  The  flowers  and  grasses  are
 answer questions in Parliament about International Development, but I am the link   fodder  and  host  to
 between parliament and ministers on this subject.    a  wide  range  of  butterflies  and  insects.  Do  go

 More generally, I respond to all individual emails and letters – and they receive the   along and see what you can find.
 same  level  of  attention.  If  you  send  me  a  standard  text  campaign  email  or
 postcard, you will be able to see my responses to the most popular campaigns on   Notable, Veteran and Ancient Trees
 my website.
                                     In  mid-June  we  had  a  very  informative  talk  by
 As  well as emails, I like to hear from and speak to constituents in person. I hold
 regular  surgeries  by  appointment  right  across  the  constituency  for  people  with   Sean Cooch from Natural England on old trees.
 specific  and  urgent  concerns.  To  book  an  appointment  please  contact  my   We  heard  about  the  great  importance  of
 office.    For  more  informal  discussions,  I  also  hold  street  surgeries  across  the   ancient  and  veteran  trees.    In  Britain  we  have
 constituency. I have recently held them in Broadstone, Wimborne, Wareham and   some of the most important old trees in Europe.
 Bearwood. I hope to hold more during summer recess – if you see me do stop to   This  was  followed  by  a  walk  to  look  at  learn
                                     more about some older trees in the field. These
                                     trees  are  of  particular  wildlife  value.  They  are
 As always, I will be attending a variety of events in the constituency in the summer   much  enjoyed  by  villagers  and  visitors  for  their
 –  if  you  are  holding  an  event  and  you  would  like  me  to  visit,  please  do  get  in   impressive stature and beauty, and they can be
 touch.                              of  great  historical  importance.  We  were  told
                                     how to start to start recording such trees across

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