Page 48 - br-July-2018
P. 48

July 2018                                                                           July 2018

        Macmillan Coffee Morning
                                                                                             DofE activities
        This  will  be  in  the  Lower  Hall  on  Friday  28   September  10am  until  12  noon
        donations and help will be gratefully received.                                      A   G o l d    p r a c ti c e
                                                                                             expedition  took  place
                                                                                             during  the  May  Spring

        An Evening with Local Band  Rapport Saturday 13  October                             Bank  holiday  so  well
                                                                                             done to Dan, Amelia and
        Tickets  are  £5  each  bring your  own  drinks  and  nibbles  during  the  evening  the
                                                                                             Tom  for  completing  that
        Pop In Place Awards will be presented. All welcome tickets go on sale in August.
                                                                                             with  some  of  their  friends
        Please Check out Pop In Place Website                                 from  Wareham  Explorers.
                                                                                             Other   practice   and
        Thanks to Rod Osmond who  has updated our website and it is look great check         a s s e s s e d    G o l d
        it out on the above address.                                                         expeditions are planned for August. All these will be taking place in Dartmoor
                                                                                             National Park.
        Thank you for your continued support, and thanks you to all our volunteers and
        drivers. Thank you for making a real difference.                                     A  Bronze  assessed  expedition  will  also  be  taking  place  in  the  Purbecks  to
                                                                                             challenge Explorers on their first level of this award scheme.
                                         Alison  Bennett Team Leader 01929 472023

        Special  Message from Joan                                                           Scout News
        Stickland                                                                            Scouts   are   spending   their
                                                                                             meetings  out  of  the  hut  and
        I  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who  sent  me                                   have  enjoyed  a  bike  ride  with
        good  wishes  for  my  90th  birthday  and  who                                      quizzing  along  the  way  in
        made  donations  to  the  Dorset  County                                             Wareham  following  the  10km
        Hospital Cancer  Appeal. We have sent £400                                           route of the Sika Trail.   The now
        to this worthy cause .                                                               famous 24 hour camps took the
        Thank you all.


                                                                                                                                         format  of  attending  the
                                                                                                                                         District  raft  race  and  we
                                                                                                                                         stayed to camp at Buddens
                                                                                                                                         overnight.    The  Scouts  did
                          The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on                                               very  well  and  2  teams  built
                          Tuesday  10   July  at  2pm  in  Winterborne  Kingston  village                                                rafts  from  wooden  planks,
                          hall.  The demonstrator is Vivienne Thompson, and her title is                                                 plastic  barrels  and  rope.
                          Anticipation.    We  will  look  forward  to  this  with  happy                                                Races  against  each  other
                          anticipation,  and  as  usual  will  welcome  visitors  and  new                                               and  the  other  local  Scout
       members. Your first visit to the club is free of charge.
                                                                                                                                         troops  followed  before  we
       For all information. Contact secretary Sue Stone on 01929 472083                                                                  hosted a BBQ.    We  moved
                                                                                                                                         to  the  camping  area  and

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