Page 52 - br-July-2018
P. 52

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
       the Parish. See the picture of one of the veteran oak trees in May’s Wood being      support.  We desperately need people in Dorset to look after children of all ages
       measured.  It  is  estimated  this  tree  is  probably  over  250  years  old.  There  will  be   and  abilities.  Fostering  could  provide  these  vulnerable  children  with  safe  and
       more about this in next month’s magazine.                                            caring homes, either for a short period or through to adulthood. To find out more,
                                                                                            please visit or call 01305 225568.

       Summer Events                                                                        In Dorset, we currently have:
       We are hoping to hold other events over the coming summer months. If possible        139 foster carer households
       we hope to hold a ‘biobltz’ to see what wildlife can be found on Souls Moor in
       August. So watch this space for further news of these. If you would like to be kept   43 connected carer households (where a child who cannot be cared for by their
       informed of future events and the Group’s work why not add your name to our          parents is looked after by a relative or family friend)
       email list – simply email us at                                 43 children needing foster homes

                                                                                            449 children in care (foster and residential homes)
       Souls Moor Ponies
                                                                                            For  further information  –  or  to  arrange  an interview  with  a foster carer  –  please
       and their                                                                            contact Cathy Lewis, communications team, on 01305 225013.
       Conservation Work

       The ponies are back on Souls                                                         Surgery
       Moor   –   they   are   very
       friendly,do  say  “hello”  to                                                        Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       them  when  you  pass,  but                                                          communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If
       please  do  not  deliberately                                                        you cannot make one of these please email me and I will arrange to come round
       approach  them,  feed  them,                                                         to see you. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of Dorset
       and do keep dogs on a lead.                                                          County Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot
       The  two  we  have  this  year                                                       get to the surgery my email address is
       are a charming smaller cobb
       breed.  They  do  have  a                                                                                                         Peter Wharf, County Councillor
       tendency to lie down and have a nap in the middle of the day!  This is natural
       behaviour.  They  have  also  been  seen  having  fun  together.  However  one  day
       they had some unusual company which appeared along the pathway!   see the
       Further benefits of last year’s grazing have occurred with several of the beautiful
       Southern Marsh Orchids back again. Previously common on this and other sites
       they had all but disappeared because of the rank growth of grasses, docks and
       nettles.  There should be a gradual improvement in the future of a more varied
       range of wildlfowers as the ponies continue to munch their way into the longer
       As the new notice put up by the Parish Council states, for those of you concerned
       for the ponies’ welfare, be assured they are regularly checked and they have a
       plentiful supply of water from the pond dug last year.

       The pond

       The pond dug last year to provide a permanent water supply for them. Still water

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