Page 47 - br-July-2018
P. 47

July 2018                              July 2018

 set  up  tents  this  time  before      We are asking for a £3 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit the
 lighting a fire and cooking a bean   Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.
 stew.    Camping  would  not  be
 complete   without   toasting   Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.
 marshmallows and hot chocolate
 around  the  camp  fire.      Back  to
 Buddens to learn how to shoot at   Pop In Place Community Café
 an archery target with a bow and   There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
 arrow,  and  to  fire  a  rifle  at  a   the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
       have Bere Regis Watercress at 50p a bunch when in season. There is a pound shop
       set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport to the
       Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .
 Cub News

 Thanks to the parents who joined   Wanted
 us for a bike ride at the Sika Trail in Wareham, we do tell you how much fun we
 have  at  cubs  and  it  was  great  to  see  how  much  the  grown-ups  enjoyed   Good  Quality  items  of  clothing  bric  a  brac  and  books  to  sell  in  our new  pound
 themselves.        Cubs  have  spent  a   shop  please  only  bring  in  good  quality  and  clean  items  or  they  will  be  refused.
    couple  of  meetings  at  Buddens  so   Thank you for your understanding on this matter .
 that  everyone  gets  a  chance  at
 Archery and Den Building.  They were   Come along to The Poppets Group
 amazing  and  lots  of  them  managed
 to hit the target every arrow.   This  is  our  family  community  café  on  Thursday  Mornings      9.30  until  11.30  At  the
       Lower Drax Hall during Term Time.

 Beaver News   We are also able to offer breastfeeding advice by a trained member of our staff
       and  a  relaxed  informal  meeting  place.  There  is  often  a  clothing  exchange  of
 B e r e    R e g i s    b e a v e r s    d o   children’s  clothes,  do  come  along    and  try  us  out,  new  members  are  most
 Beajam!    Dorset  County  organised  a   welcome, Sarah and Jackie offer a warm welcome to all..
 "Beaver  Jamboree"  at  Buddens  on

 16th June, a day of activities from all
 over  the  world,  followed  by  an   Dates for your Diary
 evening meal, campfire and night's camp.  It is wonderful for our beavers to meet

 up  with  400  others  from  Groups  and  Districts  across  the  county,  and  start  to   th
 understand that Beavers is not just about them meeting every Wednesday in Bere   The Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk Saturday 15  of
 Regis, but is a global organisation.  The   September 10am start
 Group  Activity  Day  the  following     Come and walk with us for a world without Dementia everyone taking part will be
 weekend  helped  them  to  see  the   asked to contribute £5 so you don’t even have to worry about getting sponsors.
 different  age  groups  involved  in
 scouting too!   We will meet in Elder Road near the kicking wall and finish at the Village Hall for
       raffle and refreshments. Please Support this event.
 Our meetings in June have focused on
 Sports and Camp Craft badges.  Every   Raffle Prizes for this event will be greatly appreciated please see Alison .
 beaver is regularly practising a sport or
 physical activity for 6 weeks, and many   Memory Walk Coffee Morning This will run from 10am until about 12 noon we have
 have  taken  up  new  challenges  and   booked the Durnovaria Silver Band and they will be playing at the hall during the
       morning  ,  there  will  be  coffee  cake  and  a  raffle  please  come  along  to  one  of
       these events of do both the walk will finish at the Village Hall.

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