Page 46 - br-July-2018
P. 46

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                   new  sports.    We  are  learning  firelighting  and  how  to  put  up  tents,  toasting
                                                                                           marshmallows and singing traditional campfire songs.  Also we are having a Young
                                                                                           Leader led hike one evening at the end of June - which goes towards the Young
        Thank you
                                                                                           Leader awards as well as earning the beavers a Hikes Activity badge.  So lots of
        To Linda Lamon for her recent talk at the  Pop In Place                            fun all round!
        on “Mays woods” Linda’s photography is stunning, it was
        a pleasure to see it.
                                                                                           Scout Hut hire

                                                                                           The Scout Hut is available for hire, particularly during the daytime – rates from £7.50
                                                                                           per hour.   For more information, please contact Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588
                                                                                           or 0788 422 6445,

                                                                                           Contact us

                                                                                           If  anyone  would  like  further  information  about  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  or  the
                                                                                           Kingsbere  Explorer  Scout  Unit,  all  the  contact  details  for  the  individual  sections
                                                                                           (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at the
                                                                                           back of this magazine.  General enquiries and offers of help/assistance: Neal Unitt-
                                          Thank you to everyone who                        Jones on 01929 472273.
                                          supported “Our last Summer”                      Scout Group Publicity: Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 and Helen Unitt-Jones on
                                                                                           01929 472273.
                                          More  details  of  the  money  raised  for  the
                                          Southampton  Immunotherapy  Centre  will
                                          be  in  next  month.  I  would  like  to  thank
                                          everyone  who  has  helped  with  this
                                          production in any way whatsoever and to
                                          the  wonderful  all  age  cast  who  have
                                          worked so hard, and to all the people who
        made time to come along and make up the three fantastic audiences.

        Wonderful Wednesdays Afternoon Café
        During  this  month  we  have  our  usual  cafes  sessions  plus  the  extra  Wednesday
        Afternoon this is Wednesday the 18  July  1pm -3pm  this is run by Victoria Birch
        and hopes to attract a new client group of younger people but it is important to
        emphasise that everyone whatever age will always be made welcome.

         Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
        (Upper Hall )

        We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
        who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
        by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for
        this client group with suitable music and movement.

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