Page 16 - br-jan-23
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January 2023                         January 2023

 SURGERY NEWS   “Those  who  hope  in  the  Lord  will  inherit  the  Land”
       Psalm 37v9
 Citizens Advice   The recent Census findings that Britain is now a minority
       Christian  country  has  caused  many  in  the  media  to
 We  would  like  to  remind  you  that  CITIZENS   reflect  upon  the  declining  significance  of  the  church
 ADVICE  is  still  available  for  patients  of  the   within  our  nation,  not  least  as  we  approach  a
 surgery for advice on a wide range of issues   coronation service in which the Christian underpinnings
 including benefits, housing, employment etc.   of the monarchy and our nation state will be much in
 You can make an appointment for Gill, through the surgery    evidence.
       The value or otherwise of an established state church is

 Does your   always  a  negotiation  between  the  value  of  inherited
       Christian culture and its current observance, but there
    child have a   can  be  no  denying  these  latest  statistics  confirm  a
 temperature?   picture that most of us recognise all too well: if only from the religious convictions
       of our children and grandchildren, which are often quite different from our own.
 We   have   been   The  idea  of  faith  as  an  inheritance  is  a  strong  motif  in  both  Old  and  New
 receiving   phone   Testaments, but one grounded for Christians in the future not just the past. Thus, St
 calls  from  parents   Paul writes to the Ephesians of the Holy Spirit as the “pledge of our inheritance”, as
 stating  their  child   if they were on the brink of something yet to be realised.
 has  a  temperature
 but have no means   At the start of a new year, with all the promise of the Christ Child in our hearts and
 t o    t a k e    a   homes, this is important to remember. The light of God that dawns on the world in
 t e m p e r a t u r e   Epiphany  draws  us  forward,  not  back  –  and  assures  us  that,  whatever  the
 reading at home. It   changing fortunes of the church and the privations of this season - God’s best is
 would  be  helpful  if   yet to come.
 patients  purchase
 a  thermometer  or  fever  scan  so  they  are  able  to  advise  the  clinician  of  the
 temperature reading when making their call to the Surgery
 Blood pressure machines
                                Membership matters – so come and join
 The Surgery has a limited number of blood pressure machines we are able to loan
 to  patients  for  a  short  period  of  time.  This  may  be  something  for  patients  to   us!
 consider purchasing if they wish to monitor their blood pressure at home.   Now  is  a  great  time  to  join  the  Friends  of  Salisbury
 Flu vaccines                   The Friends’ charity, which was founded in 1930 and

 We  have  a  small  number  of  flu  vaccines  left  in  our  fridge  suitable  for  patients   gives grants for projects at Salisbury Cathedral, has a
 aged  50  –  64  years.    Please  contact  Reception  if  you  would  like  to  book  an   great deal to be proud of.
 appointment for one of these vaccines   In the last financial year, the Friends finished paying

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