Page 15 - br-jan-23
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January 2023                                                                        January 2023

                                                                                           BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB

                 pick  Charley  up  one  day  and  finding  Mary  shut  in  a  cupboard    Bere Regis Sports Club – Football
                 because according to Charley “Nanny’s been naughty and sent to            Section
                                                                                           November & December Results
         In 2021 her second grandchild Millie was born and
         Mary  loved  her  visits,  especially  at  the  weekend                           November:
         when both grandchildren would visit.  Unfortunately                               Sat  05  (H)  Shillingstone  Won  6-4  (Nick  Collins,
         Mary’s  health  had  started  to  decline  and  after  a                          Mason  McMann,  Lee  Matthews  x2,  Tom  Stillman,
         couple of falls earlier this year her confidence was                              Lewis Tapley).
         knocked.    Mary  was  admitted  to  Dorchester                                   Sat  12  (A)  Westover  Bournemouth Drew 2-2  (Matt
         hospital on  Wednesday  9   November and  died  2                                 Elford, Tom Stillman).
         days later on Friday 11 .  She will be so missed by
         all her family and friends in and around the village.                             Sat 26 (H) Westover Bournemouth Lost 6-0
                                                                                           Sat  03  (A)  Charmouth  -  Dorset  Junior  Cup 2nd  Round  Won  5-0  (Nick  Patrick  x2,
                                                                                           Jake Harrop, Jamie Minett, Jim Pidgeon)
                                                                                           Sat 10 (H) Crossways Spitfires Won 1-0 (Tommy Beard)

                                                                                                                                 December & January Fixtures
                                                                                                                                 Sat 17 (A) Porton Sports 2:00 pm KO
                                                                                                                                 Sat 24 No Game
                                                                                                                                 Sat 31 No Game
                                                                                                                                 Sat  07  (A)  Netherbury  -  Quarter  Finals
                                                                                                                                 Dorset Junior Cup

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