Page 20 - br-jan-23
P. 20

January 2023                         January 2023

        As we look forward to 2023, naturally one also reflects
 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO BERE's   on the year past; on the massive changes that have
 BRONZE AGE BARROWS?   happened  in  the  last  twelve  months.  This  time  last
        year,  we  had  a  different  Prime  Minister,  and  the
 In 1969 my father visited all the 53 Bronze Age Barrows in   Queen  was  still  our  Head  of  State.  It  has  been  a
 the parish of Bere Regis. I helped him measure them and   tumultuous  time  in  politics,  and  there  have  been
 these dimensions became part of the records used in ‘The   many  changes.  My  government  role  has  changed,
 Book  of  Bere  Regis’  (1978).  They  were  all  marked  on  the  early  19th  century   but  my  job  as  your  Member  of  Parliament  for  Mid
 Ordnance Survey maps and had also been recorded in L.V. Grinsell's book ‘Dorset   Dorset and North Poole remains the same.
 Barrows’ and because of this they all have an "L.V.G." number which ensures that
 each Barrow's records are consistent. Some of the Bere Barrows in 1969 were quite   I  always  love  coming  back  from  Westminster  to
 well  preserved,  but  others  had  been  ploughed  out  completely  and  only   Dorset as it is a journey that is bringing me home. 2023 will mark 20 years since I
 identifiable by a "smudge" visible in the ploughed ground.   first moved to Dorset, and it is such a wonderful place to live, work and bring up
        my family. London is where parliament sits, but Dorset is very much home!
 Victorian adventurers had previously dug up nearly all the Barrows between 1840
 and 1850, not just at Bere, of course, but all over Dorset and beyond. Many burial   Later in the  year  we will  hear the  exact  changes that  are  being made  to the
 Urns  and  votive  Urns  were  found,  together  with  other  artifacts  dating  between   boundaries  of  Parliamentary  constituencies.  At  the  moment  there  are  around
 2000  BC  and  1000  BC,   84,000  people  living  in  Mid  Dorset  and  North  Poole,  with  around  65,000  adults
        eligible  to  vote.  This  needs  to  be  increased,  to  standardise  the  size  of
    and   eventually   most   constituencies. The new boundaries will mean that there will be around 72,000
 went   from   collectors'
 studies  to  the  British   voters, which is more similar to the other constituencies across Dorset and BCP.
 Museum by Will. As far as                  Over the last year I have received over
 is  known,  no  precious                   8,500  emails  and  letters  from
 metal was found in these                   constituents,  and  sent  out  over  10,000
 excavations,  and  that  is                email and letters. This might seem a lot,
 rather  suspicious.  I  think              and  my  team  and  I  do  sometimes
 so anyway.                                 receive  more  than  100  emails  each
 John Pitfield                              day.    Many  of  you  let  me  know  your
                                            views on a range of issues, and that is
 Projects Secretary                         an  important  part  of  being  a
                                            constituency MP.
 LVG-8, north of Bere in November 2006      If you do need to contact me for help or advice, my excellent team and I will do
        everything we  can  to assist  you.  I  always  say  that I sadly  don’t  have a  magic
        wand,  and  change  can  be  slow.    But  even  if  an  issue  is  not  within  my  gift  or
        power, I will do my best to help, and point you in the right direction.

        In Parliament I have one of the highest voting records amongst all MPs over the
        past  year,  voting  on  a  wide  range  of  topics.  These  included  preventing  child

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their   marriage in England, ensuring waiting staff get their tips instead of being kept by
        employers,  enshrining  freedom  of  speech  in  our  universities  into  law,  putting  a
 advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of   cap on energy prices to prevent soaring bills, and putting a levy on oil and gas
 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!   producers. I was pleased to support the government in the decision to increase
        benefits and pensions in line with inflation, which will benefit over 35,000 people
        in MDNP.

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