Page 21 - br-jan-23
P. 21

January 2023                                                                        January 2023
       In the constituency I have had regular in-person and phone surgeries, and visited
       a wide range of people, including schools, charities, businesses and individuals. I
       have been quizzed by schoolchildren and hosted work experience students, had
       meetings  with  local  councillors,  the  NHS,  the  Police  &  Crime  Commissioner  and
       the fire service.
       We  are  living  in  challenging  times,  but  I  am  proud  of  the  support  that  the
       government  has  put  in  place  for  everyone  here  at  home,  and  also  the
       international support for the people of Ukraine.
        I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch
       if  there  is  something  you  need  help  with,  or  if  you’d  like  me  to  visit  your
       organisation  or  business.  Email  me  on  or
       contact my office on 01202 624216. You can also follow what I’ve been doing on
       Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook
       m i c h a e l 4 M D N P    o r    o n    m y    w e b s i t e

          Michael Tomlinson MP          LOCAL MEMBER OF
          holds regular surgeries             PARLIAMENT
         in the constituency.  For
          details of forthcoming
         surgeries or to make an   
           appointment, please
             contact his office.     01202 624216


       Choral Evensong for Epiphany at St Peter’s Church,

       You  are  warmly  invited  to  our  cathedral-style  service  of  Choral  Evensong  for
       Epiphany on Saturday 28  January at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The
       music includes: Poulenc ‘Videntes stellam’, Walsh ‘Preces & Responses’, Harwood
       ‘Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in A flat’ and Mendelssohn ‘There shall a star from
       Jacob come forth’. Chris Dowie is at the organ and Ian Davis directing. Do join us
       for a glass of wine after the service.

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