Page 44 - br-jan-2020
P. 44

January 2020                                                                        January 2020

        THE BERE REGIS FOLK GROUP                                                          THE BERE REGIS SCRIBBLERS

                                                                                           The  Scribblers  would  like  to  thank  all  those  who
        This will be held on Tuesday 21 January 2020 at 8pm in the                         supported their story competition afternoon.
        Stable Bar of the Drax Arms, West Street, Bere Regis.
                                                                                           The  winning  entry  was  'Dances  in  the  Dark'  by
        It is  an  open  evening held in  a  quiet  bar  away  from the                    Mary  Bevan,  a  moving  and  thought  provoking
        main bars at the pub so the music can be appreciated.                              story about refugees; Mary won both the judge's
        Drinks can be bought from the main bar in the Drax Arms                            and  audience  prize.  The  judge,  Adrian  Flynn,
        and food can also be purchased and eaten in the Stable                             gave an interesting talk and Q&A session on The
        bar if required.  There will be no charge for admittance.
        We  have  an  interesting  line  up  of  artists  for  the  first  folk            If you are interested in writing do come and join
        night of the roaring '20's.
                                                                                           our small friendly group. We meet once a month at Sue Stone's house, the next
        Al White he is a slick guitarist and gives a humorous and deadpan delivery.  The   meeting is on Tuesday January 28  at 7pm. If you have written a short piece you
        highlight of his careeu is writing and performing a top 40 song that was recently   would like to read,, please bring it along.
        voted one of the best football songs in Germany "Rummerigge".                      For further details please contact me at
        Ed  Mortimer  also  know  as  'Take  Thackery'.  His  performance  may  remind  you  of
        someone you may have know in the past.

        3 of Murphy's they play a mix of traditional Irish, English and Scots music plus some
        of their own.
        Pip is away for most of January and the evening will be run by Nick and Steve.
                                                                                                                                  Paul Martin       07788 185048
                                                                                            Could the ALEXANDER
        Do come and join us for what looks to be a memorable and fun evening.                                                   Electrics           01929 289323
                                                                  Eileen Salisbury          TECHNIQUE help you?                  
        contact numbers if you need any information;                                                                             Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
                                                                                            Learning the technique will enable you to
        Alice     07712 1200975                                                                                                  experience offering:-
                                                                                            realise that the way you stand & move can
        Nick      07468 399874 or 01202 380921                                                                                    Consumer Unit (fuse
                                                                                            be the cause of pain & tension
                                                                                                                                   board) Replacement
        Steve   07941 931186
                                                                                                                                  Emergency call-out
        Eileen 01929 472022                                                                 The BMJ gave                           Service
                                                                                             AT positive                          Additions and
                                                                                                                                   Alterations to Existing
                                                                                             results in their                      Installations
                                                                                            Back Pain trial                       Portable Appliance
                                                                                            01929 298 323
                                                                                                                                  No VAT – Fully Insured
                                                                                            0770 441 9200                         Part P Compliant
                                                                                                                                  Free Estimates
                                                                                            Jeannette Martin MSTAT                All Work Guaranteed

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