Page 42 - br-jan-2020
P. 42

January 2020                                                                        January 2020

                                                                                           helping  to  conserve  the  best  of  what  is  already  present  along  the  riverside
                                                                                           walkway and is intended to make the area even more wildlife friendly.
                                                                                           Other upcoming work parties will be on the first Saturdays of February, March and
                                                                                           April – same place, same time.

                                                                                           Souls Moor Pond

           There  is  always  some  left  over  chicken/turkey  after  Christmas.  Not     One  of  our  working  party  tasks  for 2020  will  be  fencing  off  part  of  the  pond  at
           everyone likes a hot curry but this is very tasty and mild.  I've served it to   Souls Moor. The pond was dug for two reasons. One – to provide the ponies with a
           friends not keen on curry and they have loved it as do children.                constant source of water; Two – to establish a new wildlife habitat as the still water
                                                                                           of  a  pond  is  beneficial  for  plants  and  amphibians  that  cannot  survive  in  the

                                                                                           moving  waters  of  the  river.  The  pond  has  been  a  success  on  both  counts.
           1lb  4oz  cooked  chicken/turkey                                                However,  the  surrounds  to  the  whole  pond  are  being  trampled  by  the  ponies,
                                                                                           which  means  that  marginal  plants  are  having  difficulty  in  establishing.  To
           1 tbsp  oil                                                                     overcome  the  problem  we  intend  to  fence  off  part  of  the  pond  and  its
                                                                                           immediate  margin  to  prevent  trampling  by  the  ponies  when  they  return  in  the
           1 onion chopped                                                                 summer.  Easy  access  will  still  be  available  to  much  of  the  pond  to  allow  the
                                                                                           ponies to drink.
           1 tbsp curry powder

           1/4pt chicken stock
                                                                                           Starling Murmaration
           1tsp tomato puree
                                                                                           You  may  well  have  seen
           1/2 juice of a lemon                                                            reports   and   pictures   on
                                                                                           Facebook  about  the  starling
           2 tbsp fruit chutney (I use mango)
                                                                                           murmaration  at  the  Souls
           1/2 pt Hellmans mayonnaise                                                      Moor  end  of  the  Watercress
                                                                                           Beds.  Indeed,  you  may  have
           3 tbsp single cream or natural yogurt.                                          seen  it  for  yourself.  If  not,  go
                                                                                           down  and  have  a  look.  The

                                                                                           best viewing time at this time
           Method                                                                          of  year  is  between  3.30  and
                                                                                           4pm  –  stand  by  the  gate  to
           1. Heat the oil and fry the until soft and golden                               Souls  Moor  and  look  towards
                                                                                           the  bamboo  thicket  at  the
           2. Stir in curry powder and cook for 2 mins
                                                                                           end  of  the  watercress  beds.
           3. Stir in stock, tomato puree, lemon juice, chutney.                           Murmarations occur over the winter months and are an amazing sight. Some are
                                                                                           on a massive scale with many thousands of birds. Ours is rather more modest, but
           4. Bring to the boil then reduce heat and simmer for 5mins
                                                                                           still  incredibly  impressive.  It's  basically  a  mass  aerial  display  with  the  starlings
           5. Allow to cool then stir in mayonnaise and cream or yogurt                    swooping  and  diving  in  unison  forming  constantly  shifting  clouds  of  birds  (see
                                                                                           picture  below).  It  is  thought  that  starlings  do  it  for  many  reasons.  Grouping
           6. Stir in cooked chopped meat and serve                                        together offers safety in numbers – predators find it hard to target one bird in the
                                                                                           middle of a large moving flock. The birds also gather to keep warm at night and
           This can be served in a jacket potato or with nan bread/ salad and rice.
                                                                                           to exchange information, such as good feeding areas. The birds gather over their
                                                                                           roosting site, and perform their wheeling stunts before they roost for the night.

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