Page 40 - br-jan-2020
P. 40

January 2020                                                                        January 2020

                                                                                                             AUTUMN LEAVES
                                                                                                             OVER  50’S CLUB

                                                                                                               Did You Know That Autumn Leaves is Not
                                                                                                               For Old People?

                                                                                           Were you under the impression that you had to be old and
                                                                                           wrinkly to come to the meetings?
                                                                                           Are  you  the  sort  of  person  who  says  “I’ll  never  join  Autumn  Leaves,  I'm  not  old

                                                                                           Well, age is only a state of mind, all the people who do come have very lively
                                                                                           minds  and  they  know  they  will  have  an  enjoyable  social  afternoon,  with  an
                                                                                           interesting  and/or  entertaining  speaker,  a  pleasant  afternoon  tea  and  friendly
                                                                                           During 2019 we had talks by the man
                                                                                           who trains the observers in the Police
                                                                                           Helicopter,  a  man  who  checks  on
                                                                                           Animal Health for DEFRA, a Burlesque
                                                                                           D a n c e r ,   S t u n n i n g    W i l d l i f e
                                                                                           Photography,  two  talks  on  various
                                                                                           oddities  about  Dorset,  and  a  Round
        BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP                                                            the  World  Train  Journey.    Included  in
                                                                                           the  programme  were  talks  by  local
                                                                                           people on the Citizens Advice Bureau,
                                                                                           and Bere Regis in times gone by.  We
                                                                                           also  heard  some  really  good  music
                         The floral group’s AGM is on Tuesday14th January at 2pm in        and singing, and we had a Quiz!  All this for a modest £2.50 each afternoon!
                         Winterborne  Kingston  village  hall.    The  meeting  will  be   Next year’s programme is still under construction, but we will be starting in January
                         followed by tea and cakes.  Everyone is welcome.
                                                                                           with another musical treat, and later on a talk about Red Rum by a professional
                                                                                           journalist-photographer, an afternoon exploring India and Burma (Myanmar as it is
                                                                                           now known) and a talk about the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
                                                                                           I  hope  I  have  whetted  the  appetites  of  some  of  you  out  there  who  have
                                                                                           wondered  about  coming  and  thought  it  might  be  boring.    You  certainly  don’t

                                                                                           have to be old to come to Autumn Leaves, you just have to like people.
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                           Put aside your prejudices and come and see for yourselves at the Scout Hut every
            their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                    second Wednesday afternoon at 2.30.  Phone 472697 for further information.
             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                                                                                          SDB

                                advertising revenue!!

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