Page 47 - br-jan-2020
P. 47

January 2020                         January 2020
 travel and encourage uptake of sustainable travel. Greener travel policies should
 be  embedded  in  current  key  strands  of  work,  including  our  Assets  review,  Local   CASTLE PLAYERS  - LYTCHETT
 Transport Plan and Local Plan.
 Officers  also  presented  their  timeline  for  a  wide-reaching  ‘Call  for  ideas’
 engagement exercise, which will launch and be publicised shortly. The aim is to
 allow  the  public  to  submit  their  ideas  for  tackling  climate  change,  with  a  few   It’s  the  New  Year!  That  can  only  mean  one  thing  -  it’s
        Panto time! Oh yes it is!
 selected members of the public to present directly to the panel. Further details will
 follow shortly.   And  Castle  Players  have  a  tremendous  pantomime  for
        you this year.
 Lulworth   Linsey  O’Neill,  who  wrote  and  directed  the  fabulous  Peter  Pan  and  also  the
        brilliant  Cinderella,  has  come  up  with  an  even  crazier,  funnier  script  this  time.
 Laura  and  I  have  recently  managed  to  persuade  the  Planning  Committee  to
 overturn the Officers recommendations to scrap the requirement to prevent new   Macbeth  -  The  Pantomime;  The  Bard  meets  X-Factor.  The  concept  is  inspired;
        completely insane, but inspired. They say there’s a fine line between genius and
 houses being used as second homes for a development in Lulworth. We now await
 the results of the Inspectors review of our Local Plan to see whether he will support   insanity.
 this being a key policy in our Local Plan. We hope to hear of his decision in time for   Dave Macbeth is desperate to be crowned karaoke
 the next report.               king,  there’s  just  one  thing  standing  in  his  way,
                                Duncan  Blue,  but  Dave’s  wife,  Laydee,  knows  just

                                what needs to be done and she’s not afraid to do it.
 Dorset Council Plan
                                The stage is set for a full line-up of baddies, witches
 One  of  the  problems  of  Local  Government  is  that  we  sometimes  use  confusing   and  ghosts,  dames,  lovers  and  hapless  idiots.  The
 terminology because it is what Central Government understands!   story is full of laughs, groans and plenty of audience
 What’s the difference between the Dorset Council Plan and the Dorset Local
 Plan? Two plans are being talked about for the Dorset Council area.  We are   Rehearsal have been a blast. There are times when
 currently asking residents what they think of the draft Dorset Council Plan. It sets   we are rolling about with tears of laughter.
 out what the council needs to focus on in the next four years to make Dorset a   It will be a dreadful shame for people to miss out on
 great place to live, work and visit; and how we should prioritise our activities.   this  amazing  show  so  why  not  head  over  to
                        right  now  and  book  your  tickets.
 We have also started work on the Dorset Local Plan.  From 2024, it will guide all   Better  still,  it'll  be  even  more  fun  if  you  share  the
 building development in Dorset. It will identify sites for homes and business and will
 include policies to guide decisions on planning applications. We’ll be asking   experience with all your friends and family so why not
        let them know about our fantastic panto and get a group booking together. We
 everyone in the Dorset Council area for views in late 2020.
        have a discount for parties of 10 or more.

        Performances are at Lytchett Matravers Village Hall on 24 Jan, (7.30pm) 25 Jan
        (2.30pm & 7.30pm) 31 Jan (7.30pm) & 1 Feb (2.30pm & 7.30pm) and tickets are
 We  frequently  and  happily  hold  meetings  with  our  constituents  at  a  time  and   available on our website - or by calling 01202 912351
 place that is mutually convenient to one or other of us during the month. We will
 respond to any email or telephone request to meet which we will hold either at a
 local village hall, hostelry or at your home to suit you. Please ring or email us with
 the  subject  matter  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is
 p e t e r w h a r f @ h o t m a i l . c o m    0 7 9 8 6 6 0 0 7 9 9    a n d    L a u r a ’ s    i s  07814 569563.
 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

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