Page 48 - br-jan-2020
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January 2020                                                                        January 2020

       MILBORNE MOVIES                                                                     DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT

        At Milborne St Andrew Village Hall,
        the Causeway DT11 0JB                                                              Thank you for bearing with us whilst we ceased communications because of the
                                                                                           requirements  to  maintain  political  neutrality  during  the  election  period.  The
        Friday 17  January. Doors and bar                                                  Council can now concentrate on its core activities and attempt to set up working
        open 7.00 for a 7.30 start                                                         relationships with our newly elected MPs. We will be writing to all of our MPs asking
                                                                                           them to work with us on the key areas of funding, Adults and Children’s Services
        A  film  for  all  Wes  Anderson  lovers  (his  many                               and  Climate  change  to  name  but  three  of  our  key  areas.  There  are  obviously
        offerings  include  The  grand  Budapest  Hotel  and                               many others that we will be talking to them about and hopefully we may be able
        Fantastic  Mr  Fox):  in  this  stop-motion-animated                               to get their attention a little more than previously.
        film,  an  outbreak  of  canine  flu  in  Japan  (twenty
        years  in  the  future)  leads  to  all  dogs  being                               Laura  and I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  wish  everyone  a  happy  New
        quarantined on an island. A boy journeys there to                                  Year and to remind you that if you want either or both of us to talk to you or visit
        rescue his dog Spots, and gets help from a pack                                    then please ring or email us (details at the end of the report).
        of  misfit  canines  who  have  also  been  exiled.  His  quest  inspires  a  group  of  dog
        lovers  to  expose  a  government  conspiracy.  The  amazing  voice  cast  includes   Climate Change
        Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton and
        Yoko Ono. One reviewer wrote: ‘ISLE OF DOGS really charmed me. It’s hilarious      Dorset Council recently took the decision to amend its Climate Emergency, so it is
        (wait ‘til you see Tilda Swinton as a tiny bulldog aka Oracle), it’s got heart and it   now  a  ‘Climate  and  Ecological  Emergency’  declaration.  Earlier  this  year
        touches  on  grave  matters  without  ever  preaching’  ....  and  another  reviewer   members of the Councillors panel met with local activists to discuss the change to
        wrote:  ‘The  ensemble  cast  wonderfully  delivers  Anderson's  deadpan  dialogue   the  wording  of  the  emergency  declaration  so  that  the  protection  and
        while  leaving  the  beautiful  animation  and  eye-catching  visuals  to  guide  the   enhancement  of  Dorset’s  natural  environment  and  wildlife  biodiversity  is  also
        audience's imagination’.                                                           considered in the Council’s climate emergency mitigation work. While agreed in
                                                                                           principle at the time, the panel needed to establish the formal process for making
                                                                                           this change, which has now been applied.
                                                                                           The  panel  were  also  updated  on  the  Council’s  Task  &  Finish  groups’  progress,
                                                                                           covering four key areas of work (with a Leadership & Influence group to follow).
                                                                                           Notable points and ideas included:
                                                                                           Buildings  –  Accounts  for  over  half  of  Dorset  Council’s  carbon  footprint,  so  big
                                                                                           opportunity  for  significant  savings.  Potential  commissioning  of  energy  surveys  as
                                                                                           part  of  office  reviews.  Investigation  of  policy  changes,  enforcing  minimum
                                                                                           standards for new projects, using Dorset Council Local Plan
                                                                                           Natural  Environment  –  Establish  an  information  hub  with  guidance  on  best
                                                                                           practice. Maximise use of existing Biodiversity protocol and Pollinator action plan.
                                                                                           Investigate how we can make better use of our county farms
                                                                                           Waste  and  Energy  –  Introduction  of  Single  Use  Plastic  policy  and  better  waste
                                                                                           segregation  across  all  Dorset  Council  sites.  Commission  study  to  look  at  how
                                                                                           Dorset energy system could work. Investigate building our own renewable energy
                                                                                           Transport – Lobby for a national plan on transport. Planning must reduce need to

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