Page 27 - br-jan-2020
P. 27

January 2020                         January 2020

            Ask about the pneumo jab
       There's a vaccine for pneumonia too. Check if you're eligible when you get your
       flu jab.

            Wash your hands regularly
       Simple but effective – washing your hands helps step germs spreading.
            Stock up on cold and sore throat remedies

       Your pharmacist can give you advice if you're feeling under the weather.

       The cold puts more pressure on our hearts and circulatory systems
       As we get older, our body has to work harder to keep us warm.
       If you're exposed to a cold environment for a long time, or in extreme cold for
       only  a  short  time,  your  blood  pressure  rises  and  your  blood  thickens.  This  can
       increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

       What you can do
            Wrap  up  well  when  you  go
             out in the cold
       Layering's  the  best  way  to  keep
       warm  in  winter.  Don't  forget  a  hat,
 Dorchester   gloves, thick socks and a scarf.

 Framing      Make sure your home is warm
 Picture and framing service   The  ideal  room  temperature  you
 with a wide selection of   should  be  aiming  for  is  about  21
 mounts and frames.   degrees  in  your  living  room,  and
       about 18 degrees in your bedroom.
 Open most days but best
 call first before making a
 special trip.   Changes to our bodies as we age can mean it's harder to keep warm
       If you find you feel the cold more than you used to, that's totally normal.
       From about the age of 55, we lose around 1% of our muscle mass every year. It
 The Old School House   doesn't sound a lot, but muscle is what keeps us warm.
 Tincleton DT2 8QR
       Some people experience frailty as they age, which can mean it is more difficult
 01305 848909   to  move  around  and  minor  illnesses  can  knock  you  for  six.  If  you  are  living
       with frailty it is important to understand what frailty means for you and how you
       can build resilience.

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