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January 2019                                                                        January 2019
                                                                                           POP IN PLACE NEWS

        ENVIRONMENT GROUP                                                                   New Year ! what about being a volunteer ?
                                                                                            Happy New Year to all our supporters , could this be the
       A very Happy New Year to you all.                                                    year you pop into our regular Monday or Friday morning
                                                                                            cafes for a coffee or maybe even become a volunteer

                                                                                            help  to  serve  the  teas  ,  talk  to  the  clients  take  a  turn  on  our  driving  rota.  You
       Conservation Working Parties – Come                                                  would be made very welcome.
       and Join Us
                                                                                            A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are
       The  December  conservation  working  party  was  a  battle  with  the  elements,  with   giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.
       pouring  rain.  The  volunteers  planted  some  trees  near  to  the  school  gates.  These
       trees  were  donated  to  us  by  the  MP  as  part  of  the  Queen’s  Commonwealth
       Canopy project.  This is a unique network of forest conservation projects across the   Pop In Place Community Shed
       Commonwealth family of nations. The initiative is committed to raising awareness     There are “Men’s sheds popping up all over the UK, it is a place to get people
       of  the  value  of  established  indigenous  forests,  to  help  conserve  those  natural   together  to  help  to  combat  isolation  encourage  wellbeing  and  to  share  skills
       habitats for future generations, as well as planting new trees and forest.
                                                                                            working  on  a  variety  of  woodwork  projects.  We  are  currently  working    with
       As  well  as  planting  trees  the  volunteers  concentrated  on  tidying  up  some   Vitacress  to  try  to  open  a  shed  in  Bere  Regis  it  will  be  open  for  both  men  and
       streamside fallen / broken trees near to Souls moor Bridge. Thanks to the few brave   woman  and  have  special  workshop  Saturday  mornings  for  youngsters  with  an
       souls that came out to help.                                                         appropriate adult. We will be calling a public meeting in the New Year to update
                                                                                            on progress and to answer your questions. In the meantime if you would like to
       Hopefully the weather will be better for our next working parties. Do come and join   make  a  donation  towards  the  set  up  costs  of  this  new  initiative  or  are  able  to
       us. They will be held on:                                                            donate wood tools  skill sharing etc in the future  please get in touch with me.

       Saturday 5th January 2019           Saturday 2nd March 2019
                                                                                            Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
       Saturday 2nd February 2019          Saturday 6  April 2019                           (Upper Hall )

                                                                                            We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
       We have a range of jobs to do alongside the stream, including coppicing trees,       who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
       laying hedges, clearing undergrowth and planting a few more trees. It is a great     by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for
       opportunity to blow away the post-Christmas / New Year blues – do come and join      this client group with suitable music and movement.
       us. All of our work is to help conserve the best of what is already there and make
       the stream and its environs even more wildlife friendly. Our work over past years has   We are asking for a £3 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit
       certainly enhanced the riverside area for plants, birds and animals.                 the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.
       We meet by the stream bridge bear to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or you        Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.
       can find us along the river. We normally finish about 12.30. All are welcome – young

       (under 16s should be accompanied by an adult) or old, active or less so – there are
       tasks for all. If you have some loppers or hand saws please bring them with you – if   Pop In Place Community Café
       you don’t, no problem we’ll have some spares along with other tools.
                                                                                            There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
                                                                                            the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
       Recording Ancient and Veteran Trees                                                  have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when  in  season.  There  is  a  pound
                                                                                            shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport
       We held our first recording session on Saturday 17th November. Our initial focus is   to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .

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