Page 35 - br-mag-jan2019
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January 2019                         January 2019
 DORSET TRADING STANDARDS   2.   Look to see where the trader is based and whether they provide a postal
            address – just because the web address has ‘UK’ do not assume the seller is
            based in the UK. If there is no address supplied or there is just a PO Box or
 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
            email be wary.
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.
 For more information visit or   3.   Deal  with  reputable  sellers  -  only  use  sites  you  know  or  that  have  been
            recommended to you. If you have not bought from the seller before then
 call 08454 040506.
            do your research and check online reviews.
 To report or seek advice about problems you have
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.    4.   Get the trader to tell you if they provide an after-sales service, warranty, or

 Counterfeit goods – What is the real threat?   For  further  advice  on  this,  or  to  report  something  to  Trading  Standards,  call  the
       Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06.
 When we think of counterfeit goods we probably think of films, music and clothes,
 but  what  about  electrical  goods,  cosmetics,  or  toys?    These  all  have  to  meet
 certain safety standards set down in law.  These  standards are there to protect
 the consumer.
 Counterfeit  goods  may  not   BERE REGIS AND DISTRICT
    meet these standards:  98% of a
 batch   of   apple   electrical   TWINNING ASSOCIATION
 chargers  tested  failed  to  pass
 one  or  more  of  the  safety  tests;
 tests on counterfeit lipsticks have   There was an error in last month’s remembrance report.
 found  300  times  the  permitted   Judy Newton has confirmed that the correct number of
 amount of lead in them;  In 2016   young men that Cérences lost in WW1 was, in fact, 136.
 airbags   for   vehicles   which   That  number,  in  a  place  the  size  of  Bere  Regis,  is  quite
 turned  out  to  be  counterfeit   devastating.
 were found; in 2017 one Trading
 Standards  service  seized  88,000
 counterfeit toys in the run up to   BERE REGIS AND DISTRICT TWINNING ASSOCIATION –
 Christmas.  All  of  these  failed   ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND QUIZ FEBRUARY 2019
 safety  tests  and  all  highlight  the  potential  harm  to  the  public  from  counterfeit
 goods.     The Bere Regis and District Twinning Association are holding their Annual General
       Meeting on Monday 11th February 2019 at 7 p.m at the main Sports Club, North
 If  something  on  sale  seems  to  be  too  good  to  be  true  then  it  probably  is.    Street, Bere Regis.  Straight after the AGM, at 7.30 p.m we will be holding a quiz
 Organised crime groups play a large role in the supply of counterfeit goods and   and raffle.  All are welcome.  Drinks and nibbles can be purchased from the bar.
 they obtain significant financial benefit from doing this.
       We will be visiting our Twinning friends in Cerences in September 2019.  Dates will

       be confirmed nearer the time.
 Top tips to help you avoid buying counterfeit goods    If  you  are  interested  in  joining  the  Twinning  Association,  please  email for details.
 1.   When buying online check the spelling and grammar on the website and
 of  the  URL  –  often  the  people  behind  these  sites  do  not  pay  a  lot  of
 attention or care to this detail. Fraudsters may also try to deceive you by
 slightly changing the spelling of a well-known brand or shop in the website

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