Page 37 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 37

January 2019                         January 2019
 Pop In Place Little Acorns   BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

 A new baby and Toddler group at the Village Hall on Thursday mornings 10am
 until 11.30
        We  had  our  second  meeting  at  the  Drax
  £1 per child and 50p for any subsequent children in the same family.   Hall  on  21st  November  2018,  and  despite
        decidedly chilly weather and a number of
 Come along to this friendly group you will be made most welcome. Runs all year   apologies  for  coughs-and-sneezes,  it  was
 round.   announced  that  during  the  summer,  and
        with  confirmation  during  the  last  month,
 More details call Kelly 07743319856
        that  Bere  Regis  does  have  a  Roman  Villa.
        From  field  crop  marks  visible  this  summer,
        followed  by  field-walking,  there  was  found
 Donations to the pound shop
        on  the  surface  153  pieces  of  Roman
 Your kind donations of small items for our pound shop. Kim has been running our   pottery,  brick  and  tile.  This  is  after  1,600
 new pound shop from January this year and it is going really well, we are always   years of the original building becoming disused.
 in need of items to sale. Books bric a brac new to you clothing all must be  good
                                                 Also  almost  a  hundred  pieces  of
 quality items please
                                                 Iron  Age  pottery  was  shown,
                                                 which  is  about  2,500  years  old,

 Dates for your diary                            also  found  at  Bere  Regis  this
                                                 summer, about a metre deep on

                                                 the  slopes  of  Barrow  Hill.  These
 Friday 15  February crafts at the café          were  once  burial  urns  and  some
 We welcome Diana along to Pop In Place café to help to create some crafts with   pieces  fitted  together  to  help
 us, everyone is  welcome to come  and join in this creative session    establish their shape and age.
                                                 Philip  and  John  gave  a  talk  on

 Sunday March 24  Old Bere Regis Photogarphic Exhibition     progress  with  their  book  on  "Bere
                                                 Regis during the Great War", with
 10am -4pm in aid of Bere Regis School (see poster in this mag for more details. )   November  2018  commemorating
        the centenary of the ending of that war. The book is anticipated to appear next

 Good Friday Pop In Easter Event s on Friday 19  April    year.
        Two new poster-prints have been made of aerial photographs of the village, one
        from 1947 and the other of 2006, and together with other research material and
 Please Check out Pop In Place Website Thanks to Rod Osmond   documents,  there  was  plenty  to  peruse  during  the  more  relaxed  parts  of  the
 who has updated our website and it is looking  great check it out    meeting.

        We have an attendance fee of £1 to cover our basic costs, and for this one now
 Alison  Bennett Team Leader 01929 472023   gets a free badge with Bere Regis History Society emblazoned.
        Our  next  meeting  will  be  on  Wednesday  19th  December  when  a  local  musical
        group  will  play  some  Christmassy  music  and  some  nostalgic  numbers  after  our
        normal first part of the meeting, until we finish.
                                                     John Pitfield, Project Secretary

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