Page 17 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 17

January 2019                         January 2019



       Our plan proposes creating 105 new homes, which will amount to a 12% increase
       in  housing  numbers  in  the  village.    In  arriving  at  this  number  there  were  4  key
       factors we considered:
       1. How many are needed?
    6 Boned chicken thighs
    Butter or oil for frying   2. Where should the sites be?
    1 clove garlic   3. What styles and designs would be suitable?
    One medium onion
       4. What housing types were needed?
    One tin of chopped tomatoes
    6 streaky bacon rashers      How many? We are proposing 105 new homes. We arrived at this number
             taking into account a housing needs survey, a review of Purbeck's housing
    One wineglass dry sherry or cheap white wine
             register, and then balancing this known need with what we believed it was
    One tablespoon flour   feasible  for  the  village  to  absorb  without  causing  undue  harm  to  the
    Thyme   community. Our early thought was around 70 homes, but the old school
             site became available, so we were able to think about another 25 on that
    Salt and pepper
    2 slices white bread for frying  and parsley for garnish
            Sites? All our surveys confirmed that you, the residents preferred a number
 1.   Place a sprig of thyme in each chicken thigh and wrap round   of  smaller  sites  around  the  village,  rather  than  one  big  site.  In  all  we
 with the streaky bacon and secure with a cocktail stick   considered  8  or  9  possible  sites,  and  using  criteria  including  accessibility,
             closeness  to  the  village  centre  and  visibility  we  were  able  finally  to  put
 2.   Place butter in pan, add the wrapped chicken thighs and
             forward 5 sites:
 brown on all sides.
                  1. Back Lane 55 units
 3.   Remove and place in a casserole
                  2. Tower Hill 3 units
 4.   To the remaining butter in pan add garlic, onion, sherry,
 tomatoes and one tablespoon flour.  Cook for one minute and   3. North Street 10 units
 then pour over chicken.  Cover and bake for one hour at 350
                  4. White Lovington 12 units
 degrees F.
                  5. Old School 25 units
 5.   To serve  -  remove cocktail sticks and place chicken on a warm
 serving dish. Cover with sauce, dust with chopped parsley and      Style  and  Design?  We  have  said  that  any  new  housing  adjoining  the
             conservation area should respect and fit in with the style and streetscape
 garnish with triangles of fried bread
             of  our  traditional housing.  At  White  Lovington  we  would  expect  the  style
 This dish is a variation on coq au vin and has been modified from a WI book   and density to be similar to the existing houses. On the old school site we
 published in 1965 called what’s Cooking in Dorset.  I have made for an evening   have not expressed a preference.
 meal and much enjoyed with the fried bread triangles like croutons
            Housing  types?  The  law  requires  that  on  sites  of  10  or  more  houses  60%
 Susan Stone   should  be  for  private  sale  and  the  remainder  should be  'affordable'.  This
             means  that  around  63  of  the  new  homes  will  be  for  sale  in  the  market,

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