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January 2019                         January 2019

 CASTLE PLAYERS      of rebuke and the Lord saying that His love is at least as great as human love and
       a million times more.  And then I distinctly heard the words, “Tell my people I love
       them.”  I saw a new depth in the gospel message that God so loved those whom
       He had created in His own image that in Jesus He not only went to the edge of
 Hope  you  all  had  a  wonderful  Christmas  and  New   the precipice but He actually died on the cross to save us.
 Year. I can't believe it's 2019 already!
       Many times since then I have thought about this incident.  There were scores of
 Lytchett Matravers based theatre group Castle Players   men in the crowd close enough to rescue the child and I was one of them.  But
 have  some  exciting  plans  for  this  year,  and  we're   only one man moved in response to the child’s cries for help – her father.  I was
 thrilled  to  be  starting  with  our  bi-annual  fundraiser  for   one of those men who simply stood and stared, and I have often asked myself, if
 our  fantastic  Village  Hall.  It's  a  great  community   that were my child, would I have gone to help her?  I don’t know the answer to
 resource and where would we be without it? So on 1st   that, although I like to think that I would have done so, even though I might not
 and 2nd February, we'll be doing an evening of supper   have been so successful in my lightweight trainers as he was in his snow boots. But
 and theatre, with all profits going to the Hall. We'll be starting off with some songs   I am not proud that I did nothing.  Only the child’s father responded to her need,
 from  Aidan's  Angels  and  some  fun  sketches,  followed  by  a  fabulous  hot  buffet   and  this  is  the  message  that  is  desperately  needed  in  this  age  of  family
 supper. Then we'll be performing Peter Shaffer's Black Comedy, an hilarious farce   breakdown and fatherlessness,  which makes it very difficult to teach about the
 set completely in the dark - you'll have to come along to see how that concept   Fatherhood of God, but it is a message millions need to hear.’
 works on stage!
       This powerful story is indeed a picture of God’s love for each one of us, but unless
 Tickets are just £12.50 and they always sell  out quickly so be sure to book yours   we respond to that love it remains just that.  At Christmas we celebrated the birth
 now so you don't miss out! As this is a catered event, entry is by advance ticket   of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus.  In all the busyness and excitement of Christmas did
 only.  You  can  get  them  on  our  website,  by  telephone  at  the  Rose  and  Crown,   we ever stop to think just how much it cost God to send His Son, and then years
 High Street, Lytchett Matravers.   later to see Him die?  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only
 We're  already  looking  ahead  and  have  been  making  plans  for  our  Spring  and   Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God
 Autumn plays and we're starting to think about our pantomime which will be in   did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world
 January  2020.  So  there's  bound  to  be  lots  to  do,  whether  you're  an  audience   through Him.  John 3:16-17
 member  or  better  still,  if  you'd  like  to  come  and  join  in  -  we  love  it  when  new   May  our  New  Year  resolution  be  to  respond  to  God’s  love,  and  to  know  the
 members join us - we're a friendly bunch! And it's only a short jaunt to our village!
       forgiveness and new life that will then be ours.
 As always, to find out more or to keep up to date with all Castle Players news, go
 along   to   our   website   Or   you   can   email   Just a Smile or call us on 01202 912351.
       Bridget, aged 6, had been praying each night for a week for the healing of the
 Chairman Steve – Castle Players
       very  sick  father  of  two  of  her  playmates.    Then  he  no  longer  featured  in  her
       petitions.  “Aren’t you going to ask God to make Mr. Fare better?” prompted her
       mother.    Bridget  put  her  hands  together,  bowed  her  little  ginger  head  and
       announced, “Dear Jesus, you’ve had plenty of time to make Mr, Fare better.  I
       shan’t remind you anymore.”

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   P.S.  Mr. Fare recovered.
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   Four year old Mary knelt every night to pray at bedtime.  One night, on the eve of
       the  family  holiday,  Mary  said  her  prayers  as  usual,  but  at  the  end  there  was  a
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   momentary silence.  Then she said, “Goodbye God.  You won’t be hearing from
       me for the next two weeks.  I’m going on holiday!”
 advertising revenue!!
                                                                   Joyce Healey

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