Page 12 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 12

January 2019                                                                        January 2019

                                                                                              Recycling your Christmas tree
        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                             Message from The ELM Branch …
        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddler Group
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                            I have spoken to the council and they confirm that they are
                                                                                              unable to collect Christmas trees this year, so, as in many

        The  following  story  is  taken  from  the  latest  book  written  by  Rev.  Dr.  Clifford  Hill   previous years, Mike, and daughter Emma, offer to collect it
        entitled ‘The Reshaping of Britain’, and is used with his permission.  Clifford Hill is an
        ordained  minister  in  the  Congregational  Church,  having  led  multi-ethnic       for you.
        congregations in London, where his church, which seated 1000 people, was often        If you have a garden waste collection, you can cut your real
        full. He still exercises pastoral oversight of an inner-city church.  He is editor-in-chief
        of Prophecy Today UK, the online successor to the magazine of that name, which        tree into small pieces and put it in your garden waste
        seeks to apply God’s word in the Bible to current affairs.
                                                                                              bin for your first collection after 6 January. Garden waste is
        ‘My wife and I were speaking to a conference in Adelboden high up in the Swiss        taken by the council to be composted.
        Alps.   It  was  January  and  the  men’s  downhill  ski  race  was  taking  place  on  the
        mountain slope outside the village.  We were not speaking that afternoon so we        Real Christmas trees can be taken to the recycling centre at
        joined  the  huge  crowds  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain  watching  the  young  men   Wareham and placed in the garden waste container for
        risking life and limb to shave milliseconds off their time on each run.  I had a strong
        sense that God had a message for me so I carefully watched each competitor,           composting, free of charge.
        but there was nothing that spoke to me.
                                                                                              Alternatively, you can put your tree outside your house on
        Then  as  we  were  walking  back  along  the  narrow  winding  path  the  air  was             th
        suddenly rent with the cries of a child.  A little girl about three or four years old   Monday 7  January 2019 and we will collect it and shred it.
        had  evidently  slipped  underneath  the  guardrail  and  was  sliding  down  a  steep
        slope towards the edge of a precipice with a drop onto rocks below.  It was a         Please remove all decorations from your tree.
        sight I shall never forget – the terror in the child’s eyes and her piercing screams
        echoing  across  the  valley  from  the  mountains  on  the  other  side.      Suddenly   Artificial Christmas trees, and trees with decorations
        another  dramatic  event  took  place  as  a  man  whom  I  later  learned  was  the   attached, will not be collected.
        child’s father leapt over the guard rail and began running down that steep slope.
        He ran so fast that he overtook the child and managed to stop himself and was         To make sure we call at your house please email or text
        lost in a flurry of snow as he stopped a few yards short of the precipice, sweeping   your address to us and we will include you in our round.
        up the child into his arms.  Then he began the slow climb back up, testing each
        foothold before he put his full weight and the weight of the child on it.             Mob: 07 419 312 517
        There  were  hundreds  on  the  path  who  all  stopped  to  watch  the  drama  of  this
        rescue, and many arms were reached out over the guardrail to lift the child back      The ELM Branch is a partnership between Mike Menzies and Emma Lucy
        to her mother and help her father back onto the path and safety.  As he climbed
        back uphill I heard the Lord say to me “This is what I brought you here to see.  Did   Menzies (ELM). We have received much business from this parish during the
        you  see  how  that  father  did  not  hesitate  to  risk  his  own  life for  the  sake  of  the   year and so we offer this free service as a way of saying thank you to our
        child, that is how much I love my people.                                             customers. (Anyone who wants mature compost please email me.)
        I found myself saying “Lord, Your love is wonderful”, but immediately I felt a sense

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