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January 2019                                                                        January 2019

                          BERE REGIS NEWS                                                  BERE REGIS WI

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                           What can you make with 400g of chocolate and 8
                                                                                           teaspoons  of  cream?  Courtesy  of  Helen  Selby,
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham      471480                   demonstrating the first ‘Sweet Treat for Christmas’ at
                                                                                           our  November  meeting,  Bere  Regis  WI  members  now  know  that  these  are  the
                                                                                           building blocks for tasty, easy to make truffles that would make an ideal Christmas
       Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher      472151             gift. Keeping things in the family, Helen’s Aunt, Sue Stone, demonstrated a simple
                                                                                           and  delicious  recipe  for  roast  red  pepper  and  chilli  jam  and  shared  her
                                                                                           experience on how to package jams and chutneys to make a perfect gift box. A
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda           472327                   note of humorous caution was introduced by Enid Leigh as she regaled us with
                                                                                           her misadventures as a novice confectioner making a range of sweets to share at
                                                                                           the meeting. The take home lessons were that it takes much longer than you’d
        Websites:                                 expect  for  sugar  to  heat  to  the  required  temperature  and  don’t  answer  the
                                                                                           phone in the middle of making toffee! Despite her amusing self-deprecations, the
                                                                                           members thoroughly enjoyed the sweets that resulted from Enid’s labours.
        There  is  no  Parish  Council  report  from  the  December  meeting  because  of  the   For December, we continued our food related theme with our Christmas lunch at
        earlier copy deadline last month.  There will be a double report in the February   The  Black  Dog  in  Broadmayne.  Our  normal  meeting  programme  resumes  this
        magazine.                                                                          month with our traditional New Year’s Party.

        Your Parish Council wishes all Bere Regis residents a happy                        To  find  out  about  future  meetings,  or  if  you  would  like  any  further  information
        and healthy New Year                                                               about the WI, please contact Di Pitts on 01929 471322.

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