Page 60 - br-January-2018
P. 60

January 2018                                                                        January 2018




       Christmas Fair
       Firstly I must thank Sue Searle for all the hard work
       she has done towards this event (and indeed for
       the  whole  years’  events).  The  fair  was  a  great
       success with a steady stream of people enjoying
       the  many  and  varied  stalls.  The  stallholders
       seemed pleased with the day and we sold out of
       turkey  rolls,  soup  and  cake,  a  few  mince  pies  lingered,  but  not  for  long  as  the
       helpers were starving by the end of a happy and busy day for all.
       Thanks to all those who gave their time generously to decorate the hall, helped to
       set  up,  served  etc,  and  then  cleared  up  afterwards.  Thanks  especially  to  Mary
       whose chocolate cake was a triumph of baking skill, and to Santa for taking time
       out of his busy schedule to speak with the little visitors at the fair.

       Wreath Workshop
       The   first   weekend    in
       December  we  held  our  1
       (hopefully not our last) wreath
       workshop. The day after I read
       in  the  papers  how  popular
       these  are  and  also  saw  how

                                        very  reasonably  priced  ours  was.  (Prices
                                        ranged from £30.00 to £120)
                                        What a lovely time we all had, our instructor
                                        (Chelsea  Show  gold  medal  flower  arranger
                                        Diana  Holman)  couldn’t  have  been  better.
                                        Clear and concise instruction with plenty of
                                        suggestions  for  embellishing  the  basic

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