Page 63 - br-January-2018
P. 63

January 2018                         January 2018
 current silence to ring in the New  Year.   The restoration  work will go on for four   hours 10.00 – 12 noon. Looking  forward to seeing you
 years, that is a long time to be without its familiar chimes.  Big Ben is the name of
 the bell, which is housed in the Elizabeth Tower, part of the Houses of Parliament.
 The tower, originally built in 1859, was renamed in 2012 in honour of the Queen’s   Lets Lunch
 Diamond Jubilee. Visitors are permitted to go up the tower to see the big bell and
 all the inner workings of the clock, but it is a climb of 344 steps to reach the belfry!    Just  a  reminder  that  the  Lets  Lunch  is  on  the  third  Thursday  of  the  month  in
 As part of the present work a lift will be installed to take visitors to the top.  I’m sure   January, Thursday 18  . The menu is sausage and mash followed by sticky toffee
 the staff will be happy as well!     pudding –Yumee.
 During the last war in 1940, a silent minute was introduced.  Before the 9pm BBC
 radio news was broadcast each night, the public were encouraged to dedicate   BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY TALKS
 silent contemplation and prayer to those who were on the battlefield, for the sixty
 seconds that Big Ben would chime. That is a nice thought that we could still take
 up today, for friends and those in need in various parts of the world.  The chimes   The  next  talk  in  our  series
 are played before the 6pm radio news now.            over the winter months is on
  We are familiar with the melody of the tower chimes, and eventually words were   Athelhampton  House  and
 added and put on display in the clock room. “Lord through this hour be Thou our   Gardens and will be held in
 guide; So by Thy power no foot shall slide.”  That is a good prayer for each of us as   the   village   hall   on
 we set out on the road of this New Year. We do not know what lies ahead, but we   Wednesday  31   January.
 know  that  God  will  guide  us  if  we  ask  Him.  He  holds  our  future  securely  in  His   The  speaker  will  be  Clare
 hands.                                               Riglar  who  works  as  a
                                                      volunteer  at  Athelhampton
 We do not need to wait for a New Year to arrive in order to have a fresh start in   House.
 our lives with Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  Any time is the right time, for “Now is
 the day of salvation” 2 Corinthians 6:2              Tickets  are  £3  each  which
                                                      includes  tea  or  coffee
 My life is but a weaving between my God and me,   served from 7pm until the talk begins at 7.30pm.
 I do not choose the colours He works so steadily.
 Oft’ times He weaves in sorrow, and I in foolish pride
 Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
        Thank you to all those who have supported the Book-Let during 2017, without you
 Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly   all it just wouldn’t work! For those who are new to the area the Book-Let was set
        up 10 years ago by Jenny Beedle and Angie Talbot in response to a village survey
 Will God unroll the canvas, and explain the reason why.   which  identified  an  interest  in  having  such  a  group.  For  each  book  borrowed
        there is a small charge of 25p and the money raised goes towards equipment for
 The dark threads are as needful in the Weaver’s skilful hand
        the village hall. In 2017 we donated money towards some replacement china for
 As the threads of gold and silver, in the pattern He has planned.   the kitchen and at present we are raising money to go towards a display cabinet
        for the Debenham china.
 We pray that with Jesus as Lord and Saviour, each of you will know the comfort
 and security of being held in God’s love and care through 2018, no matter what   We  now  have  a  small  selection  of  poetry  books  which  are  available  to  borrow
 challenges the year may bring.   however please make sure that they are returned to us so that others can enjoy
 Joyce Healey   them too.
        For those who bring their children or grandchildren to the coffee shop there is a
        box of children’s books available to keep youngsters of all ages amused while the

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