Page 57 - br-January-2018
P. 57

January 2018                         January 2018
 Once  the  Examiners  report  is  received  and  any  necessary  amendments  are
 made, we will be in a position to go to referendum in about July 2018.  This may
 seem  like  a  very  lengthy  process  but  it  must  be  remembered  that  the  final
 document will be legally binding and sit alongside the Purbeck District Local Plan
 until 2033 so it is very important that all aspects are considered in detail.
 We  will  keep  you  posted  on  everything  that  is  happening  so  please  keep
 checking  the  Parish  Council  web  site  at
 Regular reports will be made at the monthly Parish Council meetings and in the
 Parish  Magazine and, if you have any queries or questions at any time, please
 contact either a councillor or the Clerk.
 We wish you all a very Happy New Year.


 Unitary Proposals
 At its  meeting of Tuesday  12th December Purbeck
 decided to drop its opposition to the proposals for a
 unitary  authority  and  will  now  work  with  the  other
 authorities  to  make  this  a  success.  I  will  report  on
 progress next month.

 Local Plan Review

 District Councillors recently attended a day of workshops relating to the Purbeck
 Local Plan reviewing a series of new studies and papers which have now been
 released to the public. These are available to the public and we expect there to
 be further consultation on the overall plan in the spring. I and the Parish Council
 Chair discussed our recent Neighbourhood Plan consultation event with Officers
 to  ensure  they  are  aware  of  where  we  are  in  the  process  and  that  this  is  fully
 taken into account when the consultation for the overall plan across the district
 takes place.

 Planning Changes

 There  are  a  raft  of  changes  to  the  Planning  system  that  the  government  is
 suggesting  are  introduced  to  speed  up  the  planning  process.  The  bad  news  is
 that it means there will be less control and checks on developers. When I have a
 better idea of what is being suggested I will report back.

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