Page 56 - br-January-2018
P. 56

January 2018                                                                        January 2018

       KEEP ON YOUR TOES!                                                                  Surgery
                                                                                           Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       Age  UK  Dorchester  currently  have  places  at                                    communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If
       next  foot  care  clinic  on  Monday  22   January                                  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District
       at  the  Drax  Hall  in  Bere  Regis.    The  foot  care                            Council please do come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get to
       clinic  will  offer  a  simple  toenail  cutting  service  for  anyone  who  finds  this  task   the surgery my email address is
       difficult.  The cost will be £13.00 plus a one off charge of £13.00 to purchase your                                             Peter Wharf - District Councillor
       own clipper set.
                                Amy  Crocker,  Footcare  Assistant  at  Age  UK
                                Dorchester said, “Caring for your feet is so important     DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL
                                in order to maintain good balance, prevent falls and
                                reduce  the  risk  of  infection.    Healthy,  comfortable
                                feet  are  essential  especially  for  older  people  and   Local Government reorganisation –
                                ignoring  minor  foot  and  nail  problems  could  cause   Unitary
                                them  to  get  worse.    Long  toenails  can  be  a  real
                                nuisance  as  you  get  older  and  they  are  not  always   The  Secretary  of  State  has  now  given  his  “minded
                                easy to cut on your own.”                                  to” approval and Purbeck District Council and East
                                                                                           Dorset District Council have now both reversed their
                                For more information about the clinic or to make an        original decisions in the light of this approval. We are
                                appointment, please contact Amy on 07973 654511.           left with Christchurch but I think as the only authority
                                For more information about other services run by Age       left it will go ahead
                                UK Dorchester, please contact Lisa on 01305 269444.

                                                                                           Consultation on final mineral and waste

                                                                                            Dorset residents can have a final chance to give their say on the county-wide
                                                                                           (including Bournemouth and Poole) mineral and waste plans.
                                                                                             The  plans  allocate  locations  for  future  mineral  sites  and  waste  and  recycling
                                                                                           facilities  across  the  county.  This  version  has  considered  previous  comments
                                                                                           received in earlier consultations.
                                                                                            At this stage comments are expected to be about the soundness of the plan and
                                                                                           their  legal  compliance.  Guidance  on  what  this  means  can  be  found  on  our
                                                                                             The  mineral  sites  plan  allocates  suitable  sites  for  quarrying  of  sand,  gravel,
                                                                                           building  stones  and  ball  clay  to  meet  development  requirements.  People  can
                                                                                           reply using our online facility, or by email or by paper form – more information is
                                                                                           available at for minerals and
                                                                                  for waste.

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