Page 35 - br-January-2018
P. 35

January 2018                         January 2018
                                                                    New Group
 KATH JEEVES’ QUILT                                             Tuesdays 7.30pm
                                                                    Call Jenn on
                                                                07960 6545630
 Many of you will have seen this wonderful
 quilt  displayed  in  the  church  during  the
 last  two  Bere  Regis  Flower  and  Quilt                           Bere Regis
 festivals.  It  was  kindly  lent  to  Kingsbere                    Sports Club
 Quilters  by  Kath  Jeeves,  who  was  very
 happy for people to be able to see and      Puddletown First School   Mondays 7.30pm   16 North St
 admire  this  very  much  prized  possession   Dorchester Road       Bere Regis
 of  hers.  The  quilt  was  made  for  her   Call Julie on
 wedding  in  1948  by  her  best  friend’s   Puddletown   07871 821928

    mother.  It’s  a  real  work  of  art,
 made  from  1,628    tiny  gathered
 fabric  rosettes,  all  hand-sewn
 using  a  traditional  method  called
 “Suffolk Puffs”. Because fabric was
 strictly  rationed  during  and  just
 after  WW2,  every  scrap  of  re-
 usable  fabric  was  precious.  So  all
 the  little  pieces  which  make  up
 this quilt came from donated worn
 -out  clothing,  curtains  and  so  on.
 Some  tiny  “puffs”  were  actually
 made from two or even three tiny
 scraps  of  fabric,  carefully  sewn
 together.  Kath  pointed  out  that
 the  dark  border,  all  navy  and  black  fabrics,  would  have  been  made  from  the
 clothes  of  older  women,  for  whom  bright  colours  would  have  been  thought
 unsuitable  – “older” being over 50 in those days.
 Kath  was  very  keen  for  her  quilt  to  be  appreciated  and  enjoyed  by  as  many
 people as possible, and it has now found an
 ideal  home  :  the  Museum  of  East  Anglian      Quality Tax and
 Life  in  Stowmarket,  Suffolk.  The  Museum’s
 curators  were  delighted  to  be  offered  the   KingsBere   Accounting
 chance  of  owning  and  displaying  it,
 particularly  as  they  hold  regular  sewing   For professional advice, dealing with all
 workshops  to  keep  the  tradition  of  “Suffolk   Accountants   aspects of accounts and tax
 Puff “ quilt making alive. So now, many more
 people will be able to see it, and hopefully   Day and evening appointments available
 will  be inspired  to  create  a  beautiful  piece
 of work of their own.
 Rosemary Cleave   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
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