Page 31 - br-January-2018
P. 31

January 2018                         January 2018
         Everyone  had  lots  of  fun  with
         music,  bingo  games  and  a
         raffle   to   keep   everyone
         entertained.    Thanks  to  the
         cubs  for  making  the  table
         decorations  and  the  crackers
         and  to  the  beavers  for  joining
         us   for   Christmas   songs
         accompanied  with  their  hand

                                                  When  the  scouts  need  to
                                                  discuss and make decisions we
                                                  hold  a  troop  forum  where
                                                  whoever  wants  to  contribute
                                                  gets the chance to speak and
                                                  then voting is carried out.  This is
                                                  how we decided which charity
                                                  to  support  from  the  funds  we
                                                  raised at our bonfire night.  We
                                                  all talked about if it should be a
         local  or  national  charity,  what  type  of  organisation  it  should  benefit,  either
         health,  children,  animals  etc.    The  scouts  put  forward  suggestions  for  each
         category and after a few rounds of voting they decided to donate the money
         to SPACE in Poole which is a youth project supporting the LGBT+ community.
         The representative from SPACE  was  delighted  when  she  got  the  news  and
         they will be visiting us next term to thank us in person.
         Christmas jumpers were out in force for the final meeting of the year with a quiz
         and  some  tasty  treats  along  with  lots  of  cheesy  Christmas  music.    Looking
         forward into the New Year we have camps to arrange and the District Cooking
         Competition to practice for.

         Cub News

         It might have been cold and dark but that did not stop the cubs enjoying a
         night  hike  over  Black  Hill,  We  had  our  very  own  Patrick  Moore  with  us in  the
         guise  of  Jim  who  pointed  out  all  the  features  of  the  night  sky  and  we  were
         welcomed back to the hut with the lovely aroma of hot chocolate (the best
         ever!) prepared by Rachel.  Many thanks to all the helpers on the night.    To
         prepare for the community lunch we got messy with plaster of paris to make
         some fantastic table decorations and created crackers – just shout bang when

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