Page 34 - br-January-2018
P. 34

January 2018                                                                        January 2018


                          Bere Regis Floral Group’s Christmas

                          Everybody  loves
        a  workshop  at  Christmas.    There  is
        something  about  getting  together
        with  good  friends  and  making
        something  beautiful  to  decorate  our
        homes  for  the  festive  season  that  fills
        people with creative enthusiasm.
        Fourteen members of the club came
        along  to  the  workshop  taken  by
        Diana  Holman  at  which  they  made

                                       an  alternative  to  the  usual  holly  wreath
                                       design  for  the  front  door  –  a  suspended       BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE            If you are missing out because
                                       Christmas  tree  with  its  trunk  made  of  tree               CENTRE                      of back or neck pain or injury
                                       bark  attached  with  glue  to  a  plastic  pew             TEL: 01929 472205
                                       end.                                                              MOTs                             get in touch with
                                                                                             (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)
                                       How lovely it was to see fourteen such varied
                                       and  totally  individual  designs  produced  –                 SERVICING
                                       and every one of them really beautiful with                     REPAIRS
                                       an amazingly wide diversity of foliages used              BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
                                       to  create  the                                                                              for FREE advice, or see our
                                       trees.    There                                         COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS
                                       was  a  lot  of                                           LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR            website for tips and exercises for
        chat  and  laughter  as  everyone  created  their                                       MOST MAKES AND MODELS                many common injuries.
        trees.                                                                                                                   And if you want to come and see
                                                                                            OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE
        We  finished  the  afternoon  with  tea,  mince  pies                                                                     us, there's an amazing £15 off
        and cakes.                                                                              IN THE MOTOR TRADE                  your first session with this
                                                                                                                                          advert.  (BRAF)
        The  next  meeting  of  the  floral  group  will  be  the                                 Proprietor: Bill Greer
        AGM  on  Tuesday  January  9   at  2pm  at                                                Unit 1 Townsend Business Park        Call 01305 757101
        Winterborne Kingston village hall, followed by tea                                           Bere Regis, BH20 7LA               or visit our website
        and cakes.                                                                                (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)

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