Page 40 - br-January-2018
P. 40

January 2018                                                                        January 2018

                                                                                            POP IN PLACE NEWS

                                                                                            Pop In Place receives Award From Skipton
                                                                                            Building Society

                                                                                            Thank  you  to  everyone  who  voted  for  us  we  were
                                                                                            delighted to have won £500 from Skipton Building Society
                                                                                            Grass Roots Giving, they said :
                                                                                             “Your group’s contribution to your local community has been recognised by both
                                                                                            Skipton Building Society and the voting public.
                                                                                            We have been inspired by your work and commend everyone involved”

                                                                                             The  money  will  be  spent  on  improving  the  environment  in  the  lower  hall,
                                                                                            retreating the damp walls, professional cleaning of the carpets and new curtains
                                                                                            and table cloths.
                                                                                            Thanks to Jane Wright for alerting us to this great funding source.

                                                                                            Pop In Place Community Café Wednesday afternoons session

                                                                                             After the launch last month of the afternoon session we are able to offer them
                                                                                            once a month make a note of these dates for 2018 all on Wednesdays and 1pm
                                                                                            until 3pm Jan 17  Feb 21  March 21  April 18  May 16  June 20th Thank you to
                                                                                            Victoria, Gill and Sarah for taking the lead on this new pilot scheme.

                                                                                            Thank you to all who supported our Christmas Show more
                                                                                            details will be in next month

                                                                                            Movement to Music in the Village Hall on Monday Mornings
                                                                                            This group runs on Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes, it is for anyone who wants to
                                                                                            take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led by a qualified
                                                                                            instructor  and  designed  especially  for  this  client  group  with  suitable  music  and
                                                                                            We are asking for a £3 fee per
                                                                                            person per week as the Pop In
                                                                                            Place   will   subsidise   the
                                                                                            instructors  costs.  You  are  very
                                                                                            welcome  to  visit  the  Pop  In
                                                                                            Place  Community  Café  after
                                                                                            the  class  for  refreshments.
                                                                                            Come along and give it a try, if

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