Page 58 - January 2017
P. 58

January 2017                                                                        January 2017

       held down for2017)
                                                                                            Flowers and Cleaning
       There  will  be  a  bar,  and  the  evening  will  begin  at  7.00  for  7.30,  with  tickets
       available from 5  January 2017 by phoning Sue ( booking clerk) on 01929 472118       Date:       Flowers:        Cleaning:
       or Jenny (the chairman) on 01929 471498).
                                                                                            7 Jan. 2017   Anne Forty    Anne Forty
       Look out for posters at the beginning of January.
                                                                                            14 Jan.     Sue Gibbs       Sue Gibbs
                                                                                            21 Jan.     Nicky Killer    Nicky Killer
       The soup and sweet  village hall lunch will be held on Thursday 12  January 2017     28 Jan      .Erica Moriarty   Erica Moriarty
       12.30 for 1.00 o’clock. This month we will be serving ham and lentil soup followed
       by a hot seasonal pudding . As usual put your name down in the shop when you         4 Feb.      Jean Clarke     Lindy Ventham
       see the poster, or phone Jenny on 471498 to book.


       There has not been an open gardens event
       in our Parish since the inception of the Village
       Hall new build began in 2010, so there will be
       plenty  of  people  who  are  not  familiar  with
       the format.
       This  year  we  had  planned  an  event  at  the
       beginning of June, unfortunately it transpired
       that  our  usual  bus  and  driver(s)  are  not
       available  for  the  weekend  that  we’d

       What  usually  happens  you  see,  is  that  because  the  villages  of  Affpuddle,
       Briantspuddle and Throop  (where gardens open) are some distance from each
       other, with Affpuddle and Briantspuddle being separated by a rather dangerous
       stretch of road, we use a bus service to connect them.
       A local resident whose hobby is restoring vintage buses kindly helps us by running
       this temporary service for open gardens day. He cannot manage the 1  weekend
       in June, so we have rescheduled for Sunday 28  May.
       On  the  day  Gardens  usually    open  from  about  10.00am  with  a  car  park
       (dependent on their kind permission) in Trevor and Carol’s field where entry tickets   OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD
       are sold. There are meals served in the hall from morning coffee, to lunches and
       teas.  After the event there is a simple meal in the hall for helpers to wind down
       and discuss the day.
                                                                                           Thank you very much to everyone who contributed filled shoe-
                                                                                           boxes  to  Affpuddle  St  Laurence’s  Operation  Christmas  Child
       There is a plant and preserve stall in the yard. The afforsaid bus travels back and
                                                                                           effort.    They  are  now  on  their  way  to  bring  joy  to  a
       forth all day picking up and depositing passengers.
                                                                                           disadvantaged child in Africa or Eastern Europe.
       As you can guess this is a very weather dependent event, and we need as many
       gardens to open and willing volunteers as we can get. We ask for cakes makers,                                                                   Penny Haigh

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