Page 60 - January 2017
P. 60

January 2017                                                                        January 2017

       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                                           PARISH CHURCH GUIDED
       COUNCIL                                                                                                      TOURS

       The deadline for the submission of articles for the Parish Magazine was before the
       14th December PC meeting.  A report will be made in January for publication in                               Plans  are  being  made  to  offer  Guided  Tours  again
                                                                                                                    this  year  on  Tuesday  mornings  and  Thursday
       February 2017.
                                                                                                                    afternoons covering the months of April to October.

                                                                                                                    We  hope  that  our  trusty  volunteer  members  who
       Public Meeting Thursday 12  January 2017 – Piddle Valley                                                     have  been  doing  their  duties  for  many  years  now,
       Conservation Area Review                                                                                     will consider carrying on for another season but we
                                                                                                                    could always do with a few more to share the load.
       Purbeck  District  Council  has  recently  reviewed  the  Piddle  Valley  Conservation
       Area  containing  Affpuddle,  Briantspuddle  and  Turnerspuddle.    Proposals  for   How about YOU?
       changes  to  the  boundary  and  character  appraisal  document  has  been
       produced, on which the Council has agreed a period of public consultation.  The     We can offer a simple training session or two if you do not feel confident in talking
       deadline for this consultation has been extended from 16  December 2016 to 31       about  your  famous  Parish  Church.  Please  contact  the  Churchwarden  or  John
       January 2017.                                                                       England for further information.
       Change to considerably shrink the current conservation envelope is proposed.  A
       District  Council  note  of  intent  together  with  the  full  draft  Review  document
       containing all the rationale and maps can be downloaded from the PDC website.
       A paper copy can also be found in the Village Shop and the Jubilee Room of the
       village Hall.

       The  Design  and  Conservation  Officer  will  attend  a  Public  meeting  to  take  any
       feedback  and  questions.    The  meeting  will  be  held  from  7pm  on  Thursday  12
       January  2017  in  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall.    Following  the  meeting  the  Parish
       Council will formulate its response to the consultation.

       Councillor Contact Details
       Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
       Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375
       Charles Barter        01929 463663
       Trevor Poole          07966 499252
       Sarah Lowman          07796 221568
       Jonathan Haigh        01929 471768
       Mike Menzies          01929 471263
       Lizzie Guinn          01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com
       Lindsay Hole          07887 782005
       (parish clerk)

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