Page 55 - January 2017
P. 55

January 2017                         January 2017

 be surprised that God loves
 Then  the  children  danced
 splendidly   to   ‘Little   The Rotary Dorset Bike Ride in aid of
 Donkey’,  whilst  Alan  and   Cancer Research UK
 Reverend  Charles  made
 beautiful  donkey  ears  with   Smashes its Previous Record!
 their hands on their heads!   The  5   Rotary  Dorset  Bike  ride  in  aid  of  Cancer
 Our  special  prayers  were   Research UK held in September smashed its previous
 led  by  Alan.  During  the
 carol,  ‘Hark  the  Herald   fund raising target by raising over £54,000.
 Angels  Sing’,  the  children                    A  huge  thank  you  to  all  those
 collected their cakes and lined up to have the candles lit. As we sang ‘O Come      who  rode  in  the  event  and  a
 All Ye Faithful’, the children processed round the church with their cakes.   very special thanks to those that
 The service ended with the puppets in great form with ‘The Saviour’s Day’. A huge   raised sponsorship for their ride.
 thank you was issued to everyone who took part in the service. Afterwards, most   Dale Holland won the prize draw
 people stayed for mulled wine and minced pies. Well done Pat and your team for   for the new bike kindly donated
 organising such a great occasion and a very special thank you to the children!   by  Cyclexperience  (see  photo).
                                                  Dale raised over £2000 which is a
                                                  fantastic  effort.  The  cause  was
                                                  especially  important  to  Dale  as
                                                  his wife has cancer.

        A Big thank you to all our helpers and sponsors without them we could not have
        held  the  event.  Our  sponsors  include,  Cyclexperience,  Bloorhomes,  Actavo,
        Springfield Country Hotel, Corbens Estate Agent , Dorset Golf and Country club,
        Dorset  Flapjacks  ,  Monkey  World  ,  Warburtons  ,  Dorset  Cereals  and  the  Anglo-
        European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth.

        The event was organised by the Rotary Club of Wareham with help from Rotary
        clubs  from  Swanage,  Bridport  and  Dorchester  in  addition  to  many  friends  of

        Our next event is on the 17th September 2017. The event is suitable for all levels of
        riders from the family ride up to the serious cyclists with routes from 10 miles up to
        100 miles. So many people suffer from cancer and the work Cancer Research UK
        does is making tremendous progress in finding cures for cancer.
        The Rotary Club of Wareham is part of a worldwide voluntary organisation that
        draws its members from men and women from all walks of life, who meet socially
        and engage in charitable work; either by direct hands on activity or by raising
        money  for  good  causes.  If  you  would  like  to  join  or  find  out  more,  email            or   visit   our   web   site

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